Chapter 2. A True Little Fighter

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Chavez's POV: it had been two days since little Patrick was born and during those two days I sat by his little incubator just watching him it would break my heart just seeing him like that and knowing the possibility of him dying was really heartbreaking I would also gently hold him usually when he cried and squirms moving his little body around while crying uncontrollably I would gently pick him up out of his incubator and hold him either to my chest or I would sit down and cradle him gently in my arms whenever I held him he would stop crying look up at me and relax and that always made me smile and happy as I was holding my newborn son Doc came into the room to see for himself how little baby Patrick was doing

How's he doing Chavez? He asked strolling into the nursery room

He's doing okay I just got him to relax I said holding him gently in my arms and rocking him to sleep

Aw he looks so cute especially when you're holding him and he looks just like you and that's good that he's doing okay and everything "have you guys named him yet? Doc replied

We named him Patrick Floyd Chavez I announced smiling at Doc while still rocking little baby Patrick to sleep

That's a pretty good name for him and he's just so adorable "but what did the doctor say about him? Doc asked

I sigh softly feeling a little bit sad I looked down at my son still rocking him gently then back at Doc with a sad expression written on my face Doc's face turn to puzzlement

Little Patrick has a respiratory problem he can't really breathe on his own and that's why he was placed in this incubator and the doctor isn't sure how long he'll live he might not even make it to his first birthday that's how bad his respiratory problem is or at least that's what the doctor thinks I said fighting back tears while still little Patrick in my arms

Oh my god "dose Hannah know about this issue with Patrick? "has the doctor told her about what's going on with him? Doc asked sounding shocked

Yes he's told us everything right after he was born I just don't know what to do Doc it was bad enough when we lost little Jack and now I feel like we're going to lose little baby Patrick I replied starting to cry

I felt Doc come over towards me he kneeled down beside me and put his hand on my shoulder looked me in the eye

Patrick's a fighter he's a true fighter Chavez just like you are he's going to get through this and he's going to be alright we just got to have faith and hope faith and hope and love that's what it's going to take for him to recover from this and become a happy healthy baby boy he can do it Chavez we just have to have faith and hope and most of all love and believe in him okay Chavez Doc said

Okay you're right Doc I replied trying to smile at him

That's the spirit Chavez Doc said feeling happy that I agreed with him

I gently placed little Patrick back in his incubator and sat by at it hoping and praying that Doc was right before falling asleep it was going to be a long night a very long night for sure but I didn't care I was going to remain near my son's incubator until he is no longer needing it and that was going to be a true fact and I wasn't going to leave him until he was going to be better and alright

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