Chapter 3. A Close Call

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Chavez's POV: it had been six days since little baby Patrick was born I was counting how many days it had been he doing okay I continued sitting near him just in case he needed me he occasionally smile and become happy when he's sees someone including me he was so adorable and I can't help but smile every time I see him on the sixth day after his birth something went horribly wrong his heart beat slowed and he stopped breathing his heart monitor went off signaling the doctors and nurses to come take a look at him I stood outside with friends and family I was worried I kept pacing back and forth racking my brain as to why little baby Patrick stopped breathing

Chavez I'm sure little Pat is fine maybe it was uh I don't know uh just something went wrong with the machine he was hooked up to but it doesn't pay to worry I'm sure the doctors and nurses are doing everything they can do for him Doc said trying to calm me down but it wasn't helping at all

You're not helping Doc I worry about little Patrick everyday since he had been born he's hooked up to a breathing machine and a heart machine and several medical machines so to say that it doesn't help to worry how could not worry when my infant son might die any day now so just don't give me that alright I don't need it I replied angrily and frustrated

I'm sorry Chavez Billy said feeling bad about the situation we're all in

No Chivato it wasn't your fault I'm sorry I'm just really worried about Patrick right now and I don't know what to do and I'm worried about how Hannah is going to react to little Patrick's death if it happens and everything else in between so I'm sorry Doc I didn't mean to snap at you guys I replied sighing

That's alright I was the same way when mine kid was born so I kinda know how you feel in a sense Doc answered

After a couple of minutes the doctor came and I was preparing for the worst Chivato and Doc stood up anxiously waiting for any news on little baby Patrick they were standing next to me worried about what the doctor might say

Well I have some good news and I have some bad news the good news is we're to get him to breathe again the doctor said

What's the bad news? I asked worriedly

The doctor sighed softly before he spoke so I knew something wasn't going to be good for little baby Patrick's sake

The bad news is he's got a heart problem and his breathing problem has gotten worse and I'm afraid he won't live very much longer the doctor said

How long are you going give him? I asked

30 days at least I'm very sorry the doctor answered feeling guilty that there was nothing he could really do for little baby Patrick

I sat down for a minute trying to soak up what the doctor just told me I wanted to cry but Doc told me that I had to be strong for Patrick I walked back into the nursery where little baby Patrick's incubator was being kept I sat down in a chair looking at my son he was lying there on his back with a breathing tube in his mouth I could hear his heart monitor beeping I was trying to fight back tears it was breaking my heart just seeing my son like that I just hopped to god he would pull through and live I held his tiny hand as he laid there in that incubator with a breathing tube in his mouth he looked like he was in a coma I finally broke down and cried my heart and eyes out my head resting on the side of the incubator I felt someone putting their hand on my shoulder I looked up to see who it was it our family friend Nevaeh Gallegos she had been a good friend for us

Everything is going to be alright Chavez Nevaeh said still keeping her hand on my shoulder

I don't know Nevaeh the doctor's giving him 30 days to live and I just don't know if he'll make it past 30 days I replied

He will Chavez we're going to prove that doctor wrong we're going to prove that little Patrick will make it I know he will we've got have faith in him please don't give up now on him he's doing good so far and we did have a close call with him but otherwise he's doing good and you're here with him everyday ever since he was born and that's a good start Chavez please don't give up on him he needs you you're his father and he's your son Nevaeh pointed out

I guess you're right okay I answered

That's the spirit Chavez Nevaeh said and I'm always right she added and I chuckled softly at her

Yeah right I chuckled

It's true it's the honest to god's truth she replied

Okay whatever you say Nevaeh I said

I stayed up with little baby Patrick all night I knew that Nevaeh was right and that Doc was right as well that Patrick was a fighter he was going to fight until the Spirit Horse officially comes for him which I hope won't happen I sat there staring at him as he laid there in his incubator in a coma like state hooked up to these machines I held his tiny little hand as I I looked at him with tears in my eyes

Come on little one you can fight this I know you can you're just like me you're a fighter and fighters don't give up you can do it and mommy and I will be right here with you every step of the way just hang in there little one please don't die little one the Spirit Horse isn't coming for you you can do this I have faith in you okay mommy and I love you very much okay goodnight little one sleep tight and well now I said softly then I kissed his tiny little hand then I went to bed hoping and praying for a miracle and hoping that Nevaeh and Doc were right as well

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2020 ⏰

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