Aaj Beh

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Aaj Beh: portrayed by Tashi Rodriguez

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Aaj Beh: portrayed by Tashi Rodriguez.

Nationality: American

Roots: Hispanic, more especifically related to maya civilization.

Family: Unknown/Deseased

Powers: Telekinesis Master level, Clairvoyance.

Personality and Traits: Kind, Empathic, Loving, Sarcastic, Developed high IQ of 280, , Self-giving, Always has a smile.

She lives in Anna, Illinois, since she likes more of a quiet atmosphere.

Since she is so young looking, she bought a departamental building and lives of the rental money.

She doubts her reason of existence, but, as her name tells, she believes to be a guide as to the path this reality has to take.

Her name Aaj Beh, comes from the mayan language, and it means guide.

Her superheroe or alterego name OHEL, also comes from mayan, and it means knowledge *traduced from spanish*

She has been in every avengers related event, only to make sure it goes how it has to, only this time she has to intervene.

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