Johnny and Dally

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Thirteen-year old Dallas Winston stuffed his hands in his leather jacket pockets and kicked a rusty can down the street as he walked around Tulsa, Oklahoma. It was just a few hours ago that he was released from jail and ran away from his abusive parents in New York. Because his parents beat him constantly, he turned hard and cold. He hated everyone in the world and everyone hated him. As Dallas walked by an empty lot he heard someone crying. Turning back around, Dallas saw a boy who looked to be about twelve wrapped in newspapers, bawling his eyes out. Dallas immediately ran into the lot. "Are ya okay?" He asked. The boy looked up at him. His black eyes full of tears. Dallas felt his eyes go round. "What happened?" "M-my parents hit me." The boy whispered, tears dotted his jeans and his jeans jacket. Dallas instantly felt sympathy for the boy and asked, "Are ya alright? Do ya need me to take you somewhere?" The boy coughed and held his chest. He was sure his ribs were broken from being kicked so many times. "Curtis'. T-they live d-down the street." He managed. Dally didn't think twice, picking him up and went running off. When he got to the steps of an old house, he banged on the door until a boy with pale green-blue eyes opened it. Once he noticed the boy in Dallas' arms he called for his mom. Then a woman with blonde hair came to the door. "Johnny!" She shrieked and let Dallas in the house, taking Johnny from his arms and laying him down on a couch. Immediately she started cleaning him up and bandaging his wounds. "Thank you for bringing him here sweetie. What's your name?" Dallas smiled in spite of himself. Not many people could make him smile, but this woman was different, all golden. "Dallas Winston." The boy from earlier spoke up. "My name's Darry. Thank you for helping Johnnycakes." Dally smirked, feeling pleased with himself and knelt down next to the Johnny. He felt a spark inside of him. Something that he'd never felt. Love.
Sorry I haven't updated this in such a long time. School's put a ton of pressure on me and I've been working on imagines. Ps that last part is NOT gay. I have nothing against gays (I actually support them) Dally and Johnny are not gay though. Sorry!

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