Darry and Two-Bit

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Sixteen-year-old Darrel Curtis sat in his physics class, waiting for the teacher to hand out the finals for the semester. Darry had spent all night studying and felt very confident. After all, he had A's in the rest of his classes. Darry was also captain of his school's football team, earning his nickname, superman. As he was sharpening his pencil, the door swung open and someone was laughing. Darry looked at the door and saw a boy with rusty colored sideburns and gray eyes standing at the door, fighting to control himself, doubling over from laughing so hard. "Mr. Mathews! Stop laughing right now and take your seat," Mrs. Church, Darry's physics teacher, scolded. By now Darry was back at his seat, four number two pencils laid out on the table, when the new kid took a seat next to Darry. Darry rested his head on his knuckles as the new kid started laughing again, once again getting scolded by the teacher. "Alright class, our new student's name is Keith Mathews. Today you will be taking your final exam. There are 90 multiple choice questions and after you turn in your test, I will have your report cards ready. Have your parents sign them and bring them back." Mrs. Church started to pass out the tests, telling everyone all the rules. But she stopped when she got in front of Keith. "And NO talking. Am I clear Mr. Mathews?" Keith nodded, slipping the paper out from under her hands. As Mrs. Church sat back down, Keith whispered, "Man, someone needs to take a pill." Darry shook his head in annoyance and continued to take his exam, when he didn't understand a part. Darry raised his hand to ask a question. Mrs. Church saw him and walked over. "Yes Mr. Curtis, what can I do for you?" "Mrs. Church, I don't understand what they mean here." Mrs. Church gave Darry an annoyed look and Darry could've swore that he heard her whisper, "Don't they all?" But instead Mrs. Church said, "Just try your best," and went back to her desk. Darry started to get nervous, but tried his best and finished the test early, turning it in. "You're going to have to wait a little while to get your report card Darrel. You can pick it up in the office after your practice," Mrs. Church told him. Darry didn't question her, instead he just took his seat next to Keith again. Once the bell rang, Darry picked up his bag and headed out for practice. "Darry!" Darry turned around to see Keith running up to him. "What's up?" Keith asked, in between gasps of air. Darry started to walk again, Keith following. "Football practice." "Yeah? I heard you're the captain. Is that true?" "Sure is. Where'd you hear that?" Keith shrugged. "Around." Darry smiled a little. "If you wanna come to practice, you can." Keith grinned and followed Darry onto the field.
"Ms. Peterson? Is my report card here?" Darry asked, leaning on the counter. Keith sat on the bench behind him, impatiently waiting. "Ah here it is Mr. Curtis, nice job by the way. Have a nice holiday," Ms. Peterson said as Darry and Keith walked out the doors. Darry nervously unfolded it and looked it over.
Algebra II: A
World History: A
American Literature: A
French III: A
AP Prep: A
Physics: B
Darry's stomach lurched and he froze, clutching the paper. This was the first time he'd received a B in anything. "Darry, what's wrong?" Keith asked, noticing that his friend stopped. Darry just stared at the paper blankly. Keith took it from him. "What's wrong with this?" Darry snatched the paper back. "Because, I've never got a B in anything." Keith looked at him in surprise. "Never?" Darry shook his head. Keith looked down the hall in both directions before taking off in one of them yelling, "I'll be right back." Darry leaned up against the wall as Paul walked past, telling his friends how he got all A's. Paul was one of Darry's buddies, they played football together. A few minutes later Keith came running over to Darry yelling, "Come on!" Without thinking twice, Darry followed Keith out the door. They both paused for air once they were halfway down the street. "What did you do?" Darry asked. Keith smiled. "Put glue on Mrs. Church's chair." "Why?" "She gave ya a B. You didn't deserve it." Darry smiled and slung his arm over Keith's shoulders. As they started walking again, two blondes, one who looked about fifteen, and the other who looked about ten, walked by. Keith whistled, causing them to giggle. Keith turned back around smiling to himself. "Why you always gotta get your two-bits in?" Darry asked. Keith shrugged. "That's just how I am." "I swear, you keep actin' like that and I'm gonna call you Two-Bit." Keith stopped, saluting Darry. "Then from now on I am Two-Bit Mathews." Darry chuckled. Two-Bit slapped Darry on the arm and said, "You should talk Superdope," before taking off running. Darry cracked a grin and chased after him.
Hey guys! Wow, it's been a while since I've updated this...sorry. I hope you liked this though. I know I do. And just in case you're wondering. Mrs. Church is actually a real person, she's my science teacher. And as for Darry's report card, well that's mine, all A's and one B in her class. Thanks for reading and the next part will be going up soon!

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