This is now

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"And that's when Darry and I first noticed Emily and Dariann." Two-Bit said and kissed Dariann's cheek. Dariann blushed. "Yeah, Emily and I were going to get cupcakes from the store." The tips of my ears got hot as I looked over at my date. "Darry did you really have to tell them about when I was a baby?" I asked, looking over at my soon-to-be girlfriend, Emily. She poked my cheek and smiled, her blue eyes looking into my greenish-gray ones. "Awe come on Ponyboy, I thought it was really cute. I'd bet you were a cute baby, after all, you're adorable now." I smiled down at my lap, blushing hard. She intertwined our fingers. "Still can't believe that those two girls that we walked by on the street are part of our gang now," Darry said, leaning back on the chair. Emily smiled and looked over at Dariann. "Me either," they both said at the same time and as soon as they realized it, they laughed. "Well, we gotta get goin' of you want to make the movies in time," Two-Bit said, looking at the clock. Emily cocked one eyebrow, "What's the rush Two-Bit?" He looked over at me, he knew the score. "Got a surprise for ya." Dariann looked confused and Emily looked at me, hope in her eyes. "Y-yeah, we better get going." They both nodded. We all stood up and walked to the Nightly Double. The whole time we were walking, Two-Bit and Dariann were laughing about something only they would understand. Emily and I were walking in a comfortable silence. Tonight, Two-Bit was gonna propose to Dariann, he really loves her. But he wasn't going to do it at the drive-in. He had something else planned. And tonight, I was finally gonna kiss Emily. We've been dating for about a month now and I wouldn't rather be with anyone else. I don't even know how I got the guts to ask her out. "Pony, is everything okay?" I nodded. "Everything's fine." She smiled and looked around at the Christmas lights. "They're sure pretty," she said quietly. "Yeah." Truth was, they were nothing compared to her. I hadn't seen beauty until I'd seen her. "Looks like we're here," Two-Bit said, walking in with his arm around Dariann's waist. Emily and I followed, sitting a few rows away from them. I started to get nervous and although it was cold, my hands were sweaty. I wiped them off on my jeans, hoping Emily wouldn't notice. We were going to see a romantic movie. Emily was deeply focused on the screen, and usually I am too, but tonight this was all about Emily. After a few moments of trying to figure out how I was gonna make my move, I yawned and as I put my arm down, I put it across Emily's shoulders. She looked at me, smiling, and laid her head on my shoulder. When we got to a really romantic kissing scene, I nervously cleared my throat and quietly said, "Emily." She looked up at me. "Yeah?" I gulped and took my arm off her shoulders so I could look at her. She looked kinda worried. I looked over at the screen, seeing the couple lean in, and decided to take my chances. I leaned over and kissed her. She didn't kiss back. I pulled away, embarrassed. "I-I'm sorry." She slid her hand over mine and laced our fingers together. Then she lightly cupped my chin with her other hand, turning my face so I was looking at her. "Don't be sorry," she said quietly. She leaned over and kissed me. I felt my heart start to pound. She was an amazing kisser. We kissed for a few moments, then we both pulled away, blushing. Now was my chance to ask her. I took out the ring that I got her. "Emily, I-I was wondering...i-if you wanted to be my's fine if you don't we can still be-" she cut me off by kissing me. When she pulled away, she smiled, giving me hope. "Yes. I'd love to be your girl Ponyboy." I smiled and slid the ring on her middle finger. I put my arm around her again and we snuggled up close. I couldn't be happier. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder and jumped as someone yelled, "Alright you've had it greasers!" Emily just about jumped into my lap and buried her face in my chest. She was shaking a little. Then I heard a familiar laughing and looked up to see Two-Bit and Dariann standing there, fighting to control their laughter. Emily finally looked up too, she was shaking less. "Not funny," she said, letting go of me. "Come on kids, let's go." Emily gave me a funny look, but we both got up and followed them out of the drive-in. As we were walking Two-Bit kept telling Dariann to look at the shop windows. Finally, she realized why when we stopped in front of a card store. In the window were Mickey and Minnie. They were holding hands and there was a sign above them that read Will you marry me Dariann? Two-Bit got down on one knee, holding the ring. When Dariann looked at him, tears formed in her eyes. "Yes," she whispered, "yes. A million times yes." Two-Bit smiled, picking her up and twirling her around, kissing her. When they finally broke apart, Two-Bit slipped the ring on Dariann's finger and we started walking again. Emily and Dariann were showing each other their rings. I kinda felt bad that all I could afford was the band, but Emily seemed really happy. "You did good Pone," Two-Bit said, patting me on the back. I smiled. "Well Dee, wanna go hunt some action?" Two-Bit asked. She nodded and they went running off down the street. Emily took my hand. "Come on. Let's go." On the way back to my house, I moved my arm so it was around her waist. When we walked in, we sat down on the couch, my arm around her and her head on my shoulder. "I can't believe my kid brother's got a girl," Darry said, smiling at Emily. "He's growing up Dare," Soda answered. Huh, maybe I am.
So what did you guys think? Does it make sense now? Oh and Dariann in this story is actually @notmydivision. She's an amazing writer! Love you guys thanks for reading!

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