The First Revelation

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Science and modern television documentaries had been tip toeing around the concept of both aliens and supernatural possibilities for so many years, that when the story broke confirming the actual presence of supernaturals as a reality, most people thought the story was just another hoax and waited for the rebuttal disproving the claim.

Instead weres, witches, vampires and magical creatures referred to as Fey openly demonstrated their powers on breakfast television for the first time in history.

Hysterical global discussion on how to control or moderate such forces began to cause further divide in a world already so full of prejudice and discrimination that chaos and war seemed the likely outcome.

However, in an effort to avoid a full scale war the human species couldn't hope to win, the Supernatural Coalition- the supernaturals' version of global cooperation - stepped forward to work with heads of NATO and the UN to forge a path forward where all species were granted freedom to exist within set laws and societal rules although the final constitution of supernatural inclusion was still being argued over.

After six months of negotiations, there was an uncomfortable peace with the stricture mostly set. More importantly, a strong determination to work together was demonstrated from the majority on both sides to bridge the significant cultural gaps that remained.

Ironically, it was this working together that convinced representatives from the Universal Worlds Council (UWC), a coalition of alien races, that Earth was ready and capable of accepting the existence of other worlds, peoples and technology, as well as to take the established routes of responsibility to uphold universal cooperation and compliance....

Perhaps the UWC was a little premature.

And Earth was definitely not prepared.

Very short chapter, mainly a bit of stage dressing. The chapters to follow will all be far more meaty, promise!

This is going to be a multi book series with lots of moving parts guys. Once the stage is set fully, the story will settle on one of the characters who are commissioned into being a contribution with references interspersed to keep the cohesion of the objectives as will be laid out in the next few chapters...

I welcome all respectful comments, critical or otherwise as long as there is no rudeness for rudeness sake, thanks!

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