Bonus Chapter

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Crazy by Gnarls Barkley-------------------->

It fits the chapter perfectly : )


Unknown's POV:

"I love you Lola Esposito. I know you may not feel the same way but I just thought you should know that."

"I love you too."


Absolute and utter hatred is all I feel towards Lola Esposito.

She stole what was mine and I plan to get it back.

If I can't have him, then nobody can.

"Miranda, please step into my office."

Miranda Montgomery, unbeknownst to her, is my other fall girl, besides Cali. If my plan doesn't go as planned, I have enough of their DNA to pin this whole thing on either of them.

Sadly for Miranda, her children will be left with their father. Great father material though.

Unfortunately for cali, no one will care if she's dead or alive. Good for me.

"Yes ma'am?" Just as usual, Miranda is dressed in a pant suit with her hair pulled back into a bun. If I could, I'd slit her throat for always looking better than me but I need her. Either way, she'll either die or go to prison. Too bad, so sad.

"Take a seat please." Watching her sit down so properly, I know exactly what I'm gonna do to her. She's as disposable as toilet paper.

"Is there something you need me to do ma'am?"

"Yes. I need you to find a way to be invited to an event thrown by the De Luca's. In a month or so, they will be throwing a masquerade ball and I need you there to assist. You can go with anyone but shoot for Marcus De Luca. If you're his date then you won't be suspected of anything. Do not make me look bad. You're excused." Dismissing her with a wave of the hand, I turn back to my screen to see her and my future husband cuddled up in bed.

"Oh, Miranda?" I need one more thing to make this plan go accordingly.

"Yes ma'am?"

"Please send Ms. Gina in." Turning my back to Miranda, I look out my floor to ceiling windows and wait for Gina. If I would've been paying attention or cared, I would've seen the look Miranda threw me.

Staring into the window, I see her reflection and wait for her to speak.

"You wanted to see me?" The vulnerability I see in her eyes is normal but what isn't normal is the scared look on her face.

"Of course I wanted to see you. You're a key component to this whole plan. Without you, I wouldn't have all this information. Plus, every great love story has a crazy mother and we all know you're crazy. Hell, your own kids don't even like you and that's what makes this perfect. Even though they'll think to blame everything on you, they'll be indebted to you because you gave birth to them. Genius huh?"

By the look on her face, either I'm crazy or she doesn't want to go through with all we've planned.

"If you think for just one second that you can back outta this, remember that this was your idea and we will follow through with it if it's the last thing you do. I will have my perfect ending."

When the time comes, that'll be me in that bed, with our children right down the hall.

We'll be the perfect couple.

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