Chapter 4

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Gwen's pov

I was in my office, answering my emails  nibbling on a sandwich. Sometimes work  stress did not give me time to eat and I  often had to binge on junk food. I tried to  eat healthy but it all went down the drain  when I spotted french fries or a chocolate cake. I heard loud voices and  hurried footsteps.

I looked up irritated, I had continuous  meetings now, specifically having told Lisa  not to let anyone into my office. I had only  thirty minutes of peace if possible, that's  my lunch time. The door opened and two figures barged in. One was Lisa and the  other one made my blood run cold.

There are some things which are best left in the past, they serve a purpose of teaching  you something important then best not  look back to them. Adam Rian was that thing I  left behind. Yet like the crazy stalker he is,  he followed me.

What I wouldn't give to wipe his existence  from the face of Earth? He was one of those  books of my life that served the purpose of  reminding me everything I lost because of  him.If there is a measure for hatred, the  highest count would be reserved for him.

Adam stepped into my office. Years from  today he still didn't known the meaning of  an invitation.

"Get out Lisa" I roared.

Lisa first looked at my furious expression  and then at Adam's smug look and  muttered something, I hope it was a prayer  because Adam Rian was going to hell very  soon and ran like her tail was on fire.

Adam who was done checking out Lisa  turned towards  me and flashed what he called a billion dollar smile, I thought it  looked like a monkey high on drugs. He swung his arms and tried to engulf me in a  hug.

I put my hand up, my glare enough to  frighten him. "You know exactly what  happened, when a person tried to put his  hands on me" I reminded him of that day,  judging by the look in his eyes he did too.  So what made him ignore everything and  come to me of all people.

"You look beautiful Gwen" he said, his eyes skimming over my chest and hips. I scoffed,  talk about change he was still the same lunatic.

  When he noticed I didn't swoon over his ohh so awesome but highly cliche  compliment he pouted maybe trying to  look like a kicked puppy, I don't have  something awful enough to compare him  to, so I'll leave it to your imagination.

"I could offer you a seat but then I'd have  to throw away my entire furniture, so  better keep standing." I told him when he  tried to make himself comfortable on my  couch. Think I'm petty it's okay, I wouldn't  let him breathe air, because it is a waste on  him.

"Aww Gwen, you still are fiesty as ever. It  makes my insides fuzzy when you sass me  with that smart mouth of yours". He told  me trying to make his voice deep and  husky.

"If this is some kind of flirting, stop it right  now. Because it's  awful". I warned him.

"Both of us know you did not come to exchange gifts and braid each other's hair.  So cut the crap and get to the point." I  added.

"My company is in loss" he said.

"How wonderful". I answered truthfully.

Did it honestly surprise me? Knowing this  idiot and his ability to make choices I'd be  amazed the company lasted so long.

"How does it concern me?" His company  can be shut down for all I care. I'm no angel who vows to change the world. I'm a  normal person who worries only about  things that concern me.

"You can help a friend in need". He tried to  guilt trip me. Ohh he did not just go there,  far from being his friend. I was ashamed we belonged to the same species. I wouldn't  even call him an acquaintance.

"You were never my friend" I gritted out.

"Now that hurt" he muttered making his  voice small. Was there an end to his drama.

"My company is in loss, and you are a  billionaire" he said as though I was dumb to not understand his words. Realisation hit  me like a bucket of cold water, that idiot.  Did he really think what I was thinking?  How can he expect something like this  from me?After all that I lost because of him.

No no someone slap him back to his senses,  I doubt he has any but someone put some into him.

"You want to feed off my company's money  and reputation like the leech you are."  I  gritted out.

Wrong move boy, I don't leave people when  they talk about me, make a move on my company I'll make you wish you were dead.

"Well I would not put it like that, but that's  what I want from you" he mused.

"Well don't expect anything from me." I  told him my voice as strong as steel. I'd be  happy if he goes down on loss, serves him  right for being so awful.

"I don't have a choice, maybe I should think  of plan B" he said "See let's keep things  clear you help me I'll cover your back or I  have no choice I'll tell them all about you".

Ouch low blow, he really did blackmail me  about them. There was a reason I left them,  he knew that very well. I spent almost all  my life ducking and dodging them, it  reminded me of those lonely nights and all  the tears I wasted on them.

"There was a reason you left that night, a  reason you came so far away to start your  company. Your a coward, like a mouse you  hide from them. They were right that day,  you deserve to be alone. Because your  pathetic." He sneered.

Faster than I could think of anything I had  pinned him to the wall. I did not like it  when people talk about that night, it was  something I had to come to terms with it myself, lest this one taunting me about that  rattled my bones like anything.

"If you want to go back home in one piece  and not sent with a full body cast. I suggest  you keep your mouth shut." I growled.  Don't have one percent doubt I can't beat  him up. My boxing classes were not a joke.

"Then I suggest we help each other out" he  told me gulping. Yes be scared of me you  peasant. I'll rip your throat out one day.

"I'll give you two weeks time, you will say  yes to me." He casually straightened his  shirt and went out throwing me a wink. I  would  have gagged if wasn't so tensed.

Once I had let him go, thinking karma  would cloak him in the face, but it did not.  Now it's time to make him pay and  He will  pay a heavy price.

Game on.

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