Chapter 25

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Billionaire Gwen Carter, an excellent example of feminism or a cold blooded killer?

Recent events and reporting services suggest Forever Gems co-owner Dave Salve was attacked, fatally. Sources cite it was an attempt to curb the upcoming competition in the market, or was it a ploy with an ulterior motive.

Recently the board members had nominated Dave Salve as head of the company citing the patent issues, but the decision was overruled and Gwen Carter continued her rule with an iron fist. Exactly two days after the incident Dave Salve was attacked in front of a cafe. Has it been Gwen's plan all along. Did her insecurities regarding her company really make her abandon her friend and resort to murder. Is that the message the most admired female in the country give others?

"Gwen had always been, possessive of what she thought was hers. It's sad to hear someone so close to her is suffering due to her obsession. Her parents had kicked her out due to her attitude and now she goes without a blame for her crimes. This is not a message we should give our future generations, she must be punished." Says one of her own board members, who fearing her wishes to stay anonymous.

"Gwen is manipulative bitch and a social climber, I myself have worked under her for a year. Apart from making me work for ungodly hours and subjecting me to humiliation. She kicked me out of my job without a notice or proof, and made sure I never got a job because I rejected her offer. She is a master at holding grudges, and I'm sure she is the one responsible for the attack on Dave Salve."Comments her ex employee Jace Hall.

Is this the ugly face of the billionaire Gwen Carter? Is this what power and fame does to a person? And are we safe around people with such sick mindset?

Do these people understand what they write?" Luke asked tiredly rubbing the bridge of his nose and slumped on a chair.

Various articles like these in the newspaper and social media have trending in the past two hours. It was like nobody was interested in finding out who actually attacked Dave? They had decided it was me, and now I had to be sent to the gallows.

There were even some poorly morphed pictures of me meeting shady men, and handing them parcels. As if this was proof to tell I'm the killer. Like don't insult me, if I did plan to murder someone I would not be seen meeting the killer in a five star hotel.

"How the hell can they write such things? We should sue them." Alec added furiously scrolling through the paper.

"I don't care what they write about me. They
could write me as an alien who has come to rule over earth. My main concern is the reputation of my company." I said irritatedly, there add the paparazzi/ media on the list of things I have to deal with. As if Liam was not ready to remove my head from my shoulders, now this.

"Your worried about your company at a time like this?" Chris asked incredously.

"Yes, sue me for trying to think about the one thing I could call mine. Sue me for thinking about all the people I have to fire in case my company shuts down? Sue me for thinking someone else can take over my company, which I have worked so hard for" I snapped.

"Hey, calm down. You know I didn't mean it that way. I think you should be more worried about yourself, because there maybe a prospect of you winding up in, I don't know jail." Chris says raising his hands in surrender.

"Chris is right Gwen you should show a little
more concern towards yourself." Maria Smith added in a concerned voice.

"First thing is we need to get hold of these
news channels and stop them from panicking the masses. Then you should have a board meeting and clarify, everything. People often make hasty desicions in panic. Then find that damn detective and find out who the hell actually did this and close this matter for once." She added looking surprised when all of us looked at her like gaping fish.

"What? Just because I'm a fashion designer,
doesn't mean I can't run a company better than you people." She said biting back a smile.

"I'll contact the news channels. They will have to listen to me or face my wrath. Keeping in mind my reputation, an idiot would make enemies out if me." Luke says sandwiching his phone between his shoulder and ear and snapping something in French.

"I'll contact one of my hacker friends and find out who is spreading all this on social media." Alec says marching out.

I released a breadth, finally as I noticed I was clinging onto Chris's hand, realising I let go off his hand. His hand had turned purple staying in my vice like grip. He saw my expression and winked in reply.

"You should contact your board members, as soon as possible." Maria said curiously looking between Chris and I.

"Thank you, all of you. I don't know what I would have done, if you all weren't by my side." I admitted.

All my life I have been doing things on my own, realising how wonderful it felt to be cared about, to be considered important was such a good feeling.

"We are Smith's Gwen, we never give up on
family." She said firmly.

I almost burst into tears at that moment.
Someone actually though of me as family. They were not disappointed of me, not ashamed like Dad was. They didn't care if I was a stubborn cold hearted bitch. They thought I was worthy of love and care.


"Dave what the hell are you doing here? I told you to stay at home. Emma how dare you bring him out, and where the hell are his bodyguards. Do you fancy getting attacked again?" I said staring at both of them irritatedly.

"Gwen, I need to tell you something. It's really important." Dave says trying to cut off my ramble.

"You need to go back. I have to fix a board meeting and the media is driving me crazy. I had to drive around for an hour before ditching them." I said grumpily.

Dave still had the same expression on his face, he took long strides and engulfed me in his arms. I started panicking now, was he attacked again? Something had gone wrong again. Dammit Gwen why can't you do one thing right? You're a klutz, a disaster. Dad was right.

Dave cupped my face with both his hand and said in the same terrified voice." Gwen your dad had a heart attack, your leaving now."

Did any of you see this coming?

Any questions you have related to her parents will be answered in the next chapter.

My next update will be Saturday.

Should Gwen forgive her parents?

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