Day 2

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Waking up the next morning was still weird to me, the other five sleeping in the same place as me, the faint sounds of other heartbeats around me. They made me feel weird. I hadn't had that feeling for years, feeling like a family. As I listened to them sleeping I thought about my sisters, how little I see them and appreciate them. I always regretted moving out for him, just another man who would tear our family apart I thought. She'll be over him in a month and then they can come live with me and we can be a family again. Now they're married, didn't even invite me to the wedding, he turned her and the girls away from me, away from walking to my doorstep on Christmas, or my birthday, or the anniversary of my dad's death. He turned them away from everything about me and I regret letting it happen every single day. 

"Morning sunshine." Jack whispered from across the bunks as I opened my curtain.

"Hi." I sniffled, bottling up my emotions by pretending to have a cold.

"Bus has stopped, wanna come outside?" He asked as he jumped down and walked to opposite me.

"Mm." I got out of bed, wearing my pyjama leggings and dad's big shirt. 

It was sunny outside, the rain had dried up from during the night and the birds were doing their usual morning song, it would be annoying if I wasn't awake already.

"So how are you finding the tour?" Jack asked as we leaned against the side of the bus and he lit a cigarette.

"You smoke?" I completely ignored his question and instead chose to focus on his bad habit, which seems to follow me around.

"Yeah," He shrugged, "I'm ashamed but addicted, don't you?"

"Nah I quit a while ago, you should try it's nice not to feel compelled to go outside and kill your lungs." We both laughed and he stubbed his cigarette out.

"I'll try," He smiled, "For you."

"Good, I'll keep you in check don't worry." I hit his shoulder with mine and slid down the bus until I was sitting on the floor, Jack following my actions.

"Is it hard for you to tour with your ex boyfriend?" I was taken by surprise with his question, why did he ask that of all questions?

"Sort of, but I think it's harder for him. He makes me feel like he doesn't want to see me at all, I don't know if it's because he hates me or because he would just rather not."

"Maybe he just isn't into you any more."

"Gee thanks Jam really appreciate the sensitivity!" I laughed sarcastically.

"Oh yeah," He shook his head, "I didn't mean to sound like a dick." He kind of blushed as he looked down and then wrapped an arm around me, "I won't let him hurt you again, you're like my little sister."

“Don't call me your sister,” I smiled at his hurt face, “Family can be forced, friends are the family you choose for yourself and the bond between best friends can out stand any family bond. I have friends that I have seen more often than my own sisters and if that doesn't prove my point...” I laughed to myself, shocked but happy with how much I just told him.

“Okay so did you just confirm our best friendship or?” He smirked knowingly.

“Yeah.” I stood up and pulled him up with me as it was time to get back on the bus.

“Everyone!” Jack shouted as soon as he stepped onto the bus.

“What do you want?” A groggy Parisa groaned as she stood over her cereal by the counter.

“We're in a relationship,” He grabbed me around the waist and acted out flashing his ring finger around the room, “She called me her best friend.” He loudly whispered to Taylor, “Call mum, make sure she's proud.”

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