Night 2

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“It was nice meeting you Lindsay!” I wave as she announces that she has to go to work, “Maybe you can come visit us on tour one day.” She smiled at the thought and eyed her boys, “I'll make sure they behave for you.” I assure her and she laughs.

“You're a good girl, Carly. I'll miss you now boys, say goodbye to your mummy.” She blew a kiss and they blew one back, slightly holding back because I was still there.

I quietly smiled and exited the room so they could say goodbye properly.

“How was it?” Parisa asked as soon as I entered the kitchen.

“She's so nice, I can see the resemblance.” She laughs and follows me into the main room.

“Did you find out about the secret sister?” Maddie asked as soon as I sat down and I had to think twice about her question.

“Oh yeah,” I mentally slapped myself for forgetting to ask, “No I didn't, I'll ask Jack after tonight's show.” I decided after looking at the time on my watch, half past four which meant three hours until show time.

“We should get ready and go rehearse.” Casey announces, as if reading my mind.


Rehearsals went by seamlessly, the smaller arena meant Casey and I had a couple of the opening dances together and I was still trying to decide if that was a good thing or not, considering we are the two most nervous dancers.

“We'll be okay.” I assured myself more than a sweating Casey.

“I hate that I have to get nervous, I'm not even nervous, but I'm nervous. Do you get me?” He babbles on but I still nod in agreement, I totally get him.

“Just imagine that the audience is dancing along with you, you know when you dance you forget everything? Pretend that's happening to every single member of the crowd, they're singing and dancing and living so much that they forget about everything else, you're just there to make their memories pretty.”


“I will never get over this feeling!” Jack screamed as we came down the stage steps and grabbed a bottle of water each.

The crowd was waiting for one direction now, all hyped up. This time we get in between coming off stage and leaving on the tour bus is the time I plan to use to ask Jack about his sister.

“Jam, can I talk to you?” I grab his elbow and pull him aside as the others continue to the dressing rooms.

“Yeah sure.” He smiled and we sat on the stage boxes near by.

“When Tay asked me to skype your mum with you earlier, he said I would remind her of your sister. I didn't know you have a sister?” His face automatically fell and he looked as if I'd just clawed his eyes out. They were so wide and so red, I wished in that moment that I could rewind thirty seconds.

“I had a sister.” He tried to smile but I knew it was fake as he emphasized on the word had, “Taylor's right, you are like her.”

“What was she like?” I decided to ask this instead of any questions about what happened to her.

“She was pretty amazing.” He laughed and rubbed his face as he thought for a moment, “In her short sixteen years she had volunteered at our local dog shelter, trained with st John's ambulance and worked part time at the charity shop in our town. She was the one that kept me smiling throughout my tough times in high school or my first romance.” He smiled, “She was good at making people smile, like you. That's why I see you as a good friend, you made me laugh the first day we met, you carry something about her in you.”

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