11. A Gut Feeling

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Third-person POV (Limited)

Teresa groaned as she opened her eyes then sat bolt upright. She looked around, her eyebrows knitting as she was in her room.

She swallowed thick and placed a hand over her chest, feeling the familiar thump, but ten times harder.

She wiped her eyes but stopped as they began to burn from gunk. She moved a few sheets still wrapped around her legs, half on the floor.

After brushing her teeth and taking a hot shower, she sat there for a moment,  still trying to wrap her head around the dream. It felt real. Freakishly real.

She turned the water off and got out, scared to look over her shoulder.

Teresa got dressed in an oversized T-shirt and loose-fitting shorts then checked the time. It was barely 9. She sighed with a slight frown.

This was how her Saturday's always were, except crazy dreams weren't always part of it.

She ate half a bagel, unable to form an appetite, then checked her phone again.  No morning messages from Ava, just game and update notifications.

She looked around the empty dining room.  Everyone was asleep still, well everyone except Midnight. She smiled slightly when the black and white cat hopped onto the table.

"You know you're not supposed to be on the table, right?" Teresa says with a light scoff, unable to scorn him as his wide eyes landed on her.

She chuckled while rubbing him then took him off the table. She stood and looked out the window. The block was quiet.

Teresa turned the TV off along with the porch light, looking back at her older sister and two younger ones sleeping on the couch. Yep, the only early bird.

After watching TV and playing with Midnight, everyone started to wake up. By the time 12 rolled around everything was alive. She glanced at her siblings, contemplating on telling them her dream, but they wouldn't really listen.

They'd just say she watches too many horror movies.

Teresa smiled as a knock sounded on one of the windows in the front of the house. She went to greet the person before any of her siblings did. A breeze went through her as Ava stood there, breathing and well.

"You gonna let me in, or just stare?" Ava inquired, shivering from the cold air. She pulled her hoodie closer, her neck still exposed. Teresa put a pair of slippers on then came outside, making Ava sigh as she preferred to be inside.

Teresa sat down, making her follow suit. She handed Ava some steaming hot chocolate then took a deep breath. They chatted for a while, accompanied by Ava's complaints about the bitter weather before Teresa introduced her dream.

Ava sat and listened, knowing her bestfriend always believed dreams represented something.

Teresa waited for her response once she was done explaining it in as much detail as possible, wiping her eyes again. It felt so real, it still made her heartbeat skip.

Ava set the mug on the little table and leaned back in her seat. She bit her cheek then nodded.

"Get the f**k out of there."

Teresa looked at her face, but there wasn't a hint of teasing on it. She was serious.

"Look, if you feel that unsafe to be having these freaking a** dreams of dying in that place, then get the f**k out of there," Ava explained, reaching for her mug again.

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