Mystery Man

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      Ugh! My plan was foiled! ...But by who?! I NEEDED to find out who stole my girl!

"Okay! Bye Shawn!" I heard down the hall in Jenny's voice

Shawn? Who is Shawn? I had never heard of a "Shawn" that worked here... Suddenly I saw an almost angelic light come out from the hallway.

Ugh! Shawn Mendes! Are you kidding me??! He is SUCH a loser. How could she even go for a bum like him. I thought he was with that... what was it Camy-Cami- I don't know, okay! It started with a C or something. Anyways the point is I thought they were together, guess they split. Just. My. Luck.

He isn't even that cute, just BASIC like Tom!!! OR good at singing, he sounds like every other "dreamy" pop singer!!!!!  Welp, she fell for another guy, but should I despair, should I let the love of my life get away so easy, should I leave her boyfriend alone? No! I will not! Just like Niki Minaj said, never give up!

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