Vent- urge ive had

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Ok so I just need to vent out this stupid urge I have that I'm probably not gonna do but fuck it we'll see.

So I've known these two people for years, names are Austin and Jake and they are t gonna see this so who cares. But I've known Austin for about 5 years and I've known Jake for 11 years and they are like brothers to me and now that we are all in highschool and shit we don't hang out much but when we do they Juul and I really don't care if they do or don't as long as it isn't in my house so my parents don't see or smell anything but every time they do they offer me a hit and I usually say no but like lately since the last time we hung out I've been having the urge to actually hit it so last time I saw Austin, he is the one with the juul, I asked if it had nic in it and he said yeah and I told him to bring the one without nic next time and he said 'why, you want a hit?' And I said 'lowkey' so next time we hang out I might hit one which would kill the urge but like literally every health class I've been in and all my teachers say 'oooh don't hit a juul it's bad!!' Which like no it's not that terrible to only do it a few times honestly. So I might hit a juul but like they really do be brain washing me and I'm just like 'but.... bad..' but also like 'but.... juul...' so now I'm just like FUCK you know?

Anyways, just a vent, don't tell me why it's bad and shit because shut the fuck up I know I still want to anyways. I'm gonna die anyways might as well have some fun while I'm here you know?

Vent and rant bookOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora