Part 4: Away We Go

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As Midoriya took a deep breath he then suddenly teared up the letter as a small disk pops out and a hologram when Midoriya tried to touch it. In the hologram All Might was there "Greetings young Midoriya!" Midoriya was startled as he looked at the hologram "A-All Might?! O-Oh right you're working for UA right now" Midoriya guessed about why All Might was in the hologram "You're really smart young Midoriya" All Might coughed as he soon started speaking to him.

*This scene is the same just like the anime but Midoriya got 2 points and I don't wanna bore you with the things you have already watched*

Midoriya went out his room as his mom was there in front the door. Suddenly Midoriya smiled as his mom started crying loudly "My Little Izukuuuuu!!" His mom started hugging him as Midoriya hugs back.

『A Few days later, it is now time for school』

Midoriya was preparing for school as he wore his shoes as he opened the door "I'm going now mom!" Midoriya said goodbye as he walked to UA. Midoriya realized that UA was really far out "Should I walk to UA...or maybe I could just take a ride..." As Midoriya was already at the gate for his apartment complex, he saw a beautiful girl there with long and silky ash-blond long hair waiting for him.

"K-Kacchan?" Midoriya called her name as she instantly blushed as she heard that nickname "I SAID STOP CALLING ME THAT, DEKU!" She shouted flustered as Midoriya bowed rapidly "I'm sorry!" He then looked at her "Then what should I call you? Bakugo then?" She sighed "Just call me Kacchan but don't! And I mean DON'T ever call Kacchan in the class alright?!" She shouted at him as Midoriya nodded "But why are you here though?" Midoriya asked "The old hag told me to walk with you and I didn't even have a choice. Tsk!" She kicked a small pebble as she started walking away "Come on let's go! We don't wanna be late. I'll leave you behind if you're slow" Midoriya then catches up to her, walking speed.

As they arrived to the gate of UA some people were looking at them as they thought they were both couples, Midoriya suddenly realized as he blushed while Kacchan doesn't realize it as they kept walking to their classroom.

*This is Fem Bakugo but her hair much longer*

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*This is Fem Bakugo but her hair much longer*

As they reached their classroom Midoriya first realized that some people were instantly looking at them, most of them are all the girls in the classroom. Midoriya was scared at first as he went to his respective sit as some eyes still was staring at him but then they looked away except for one it was the blonde haired girl from the examination.

"U-Um what's the matter uh..." Midoriya looked at her as the girl offered a hand to him "Call me Toga! Himiko Toga!" She forcefully handshakes Midoriya hand as this made him blush. He heard a tsk from every girl from the class as he was confused. This made Toga grinned as she let's go his hand "Let's talk in lunch later, Izuku Midoriya!" Midoriya was confused as how did she knew his name "How did you knowー" He then got shh'd by Toga "You're name was on the leaderboards!" Midoriya nodded as he looked in front of him as Kacchan was in front of him as she wasn't facing Midoriya.

Midoriya then saw Uraraka walking into the door then to her respective seat. Then a teacher went in the classroom he looked tired as if he didn't slept for 4 to 5 days straight "Alright class...grab you're P.E uniform and go to the training got 10 minutes" Then the teacher went out and went to the training ground.

『10 Minutes has passed』

Almost everyone was there except for Toga and Uraraka. Midoriya was beside Kacchan as he looked at her "What you looking at damn nerd?!" Midoriya shook his head then he looked away, suddenly Toga jumps on him as Midoriya almost fell "Yo!" Toga said as she let's go as Aizawa, the teacher, was looking at them. Midoriya was blushing as all the other girls were jealous of both of them as they were releasing an immense aura from what he was concerned.

"Bakugo, throw this ball with all of you're might" Aizawa plainly said as he threw the ball to Kacchan, she then prepared to throw it, she was gonna let all of her anger out. "DIIEEE!" Kacchan yelled as she threw it far using her quirk "705.2" Aizawa said as he shows them the phone which had the numbers.

Midoriya was shaken to the core as he was now scared "Midoriya, you're up next."


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