Part 9: Wait A Second!

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As they kept walking to a picture booth, some of the girls tried to search for them "Have you seen Momo and Midoriya-San?" Mina asked, all of them shook their heads because they didn't knew where the both of them went. They then realized "Wait...don't tell me" They said at the same time as they looked at each other "Bakugo, Toga, and Todoroki search for them in the arcade. The others on me were gonna search the 50 meter radius around the arcade" Mina said as Kacchan tsk but did so "Come on extras!" Kacchan lead the way as they searched the entire arcade.

Meanwhile on Midoriya's side he was dragged inside a photo booth with Momo beside him "U-Um Y-Yaoyorozu-san what are we doing" Midoriya looked at her as she inserted a coin inside the slot "For a picture S-S-silly" Momo stuttered as she was blushing and shaking 'OH my God oh my God! I'm gonna take a picture with Midoriya! I'm gonna treasure the picture for my life!' While she thought about that, Midoriya sighed in relief about it "Oh I thought it was something else but ok!" He was so excited about it as Momo smiled as she pressed the button as Midoriya gave his million wat smile as the picture was taken. After it was done it printed it out as it showed Momo clinging into Midoriya's arm as Midoriya saw this he immediately blushed and stood up "S-Shall we go now Y-Y-Yaoyorozu-san?" Midoriya then offered a hand to help her stand. Momo then took the hand and stood up as they exited the photo booth, they were immediately seen by Toga, Todoroki, and Kacchan. Kacchan immediately saw this and used her explosion quirk to catch Midoriya. When she reached Midoriya she couldn't stop herself as this made both of them fall to the ground, Kacchan immediately opens her eyes to see if Midoriya was okay "Ya alright n-nerd?!ー" When Kacchan looked at him, she saw that her breast covered Midoriya, this made her blush as he threw Midoriya to the wall using her quirk. She was crimson red as she stood up "Damn nerd! WATCH WHAT YOU'RE DOING!" She shouted as Midoriya stood up "But you clearly did it..." He collapsed to the floor as everyone rushed to him except Kacchan which was still a blushing mess.

『A few minutes later after they regrouped』

"So wait a second you're telling me, Midoriya and Momo were in a photo booth when we suddenly noticed that they were gone?" Mina asked as she looked at Toga. Toga then nodded repeatedly "I'm really sorry everyone.." Momo said as she bowed "Don't be, just tell us what you are gonna do so that we won't be worried" Mina then looked at both of them "Now then let's continue this arcade adventure before we go home alright?!" Mina shouted as they shouted "Yes Ma'am!" in reply except for Todoroki, Kacchan, and Midoriya "Wait a second were still continuing this?!" Midoriya asked them as the other girls nodded


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