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Shinsou Hitoshi was a focused boy.

All through his life, he has focused on being a Hero. He has focused on not letting the petty bullies live rent free in his mind. He has focused on improving the usage of his quirk and to get into the prestigious Hero Course of U.A.

He lived by the motto that focus yields patience and patience is virtue.

But right now he was short of patience. 

His day had started with a excruciating headache which refused to subside even after taking the appropriate medicine. His still legs ached from yesterday's rigorous exercise at the gym. His toaster had failed to work and now he was running to school with no breakfast in his stomach. 

He was in such a rapid frenzy that his actions had now landed him in the current situation: sitting butt-side-down on the pavement while being covered in mud.

Technically, he now also had a bruised hip region because he just so happened to fall on his tail bone, and boy did that hurt.

So yeah he was having a bad day and he was extremely short of patience.

"I'm going to say sorry but I'm not going to mean it." 

"Excuse me but what?" He was surprised to say the least. He looked up to see a person, more specifically a girl standing in front of him, that too in a uniform he knew too well. Her face was creamed with mud patches and some seemed to have gotten on her glasses as well. With her nose scrunched up and face looking extremely aggressive, she leered down at him with one hand at her hip which help her glasses. 

"Did that mud get in your ears as well?" He knew U.A students acted stuck up all the time but this person was seriously getting on his nerves. The way she held herself and looked at him like he was some pest who's existence was irrelevant made his gut churn with the similar hatred he felt while remembering his bullies. And holy heck, the way she talked made his blood roar.

Now that was no excuse but she was making it extremely hard not to activate his quirk and force her to act at least a bit more polite. 

"I never knew U.A started admitting idiots now." He retorted back. Standing up, he tried to dust some of the mud off but his uniform was ruined and he would absolutely face hell once he reached school. The back of his mind screamed that he would face something worse than hell because he had missed his morning training with his teacher today.

And he felt utterly furious when the girl just gave out an exasperated sigh.

Y/N was very used to having bad days. So when she woke up this morning with an odd feeling in the pit of her stomach, she knew it was going to be one of those days.

She was out of coffee so that meant she would go to school like a sleep deprived haggard and receive endless teasing from Bakugou until Momo came to her rescue because frankly speaking, she was extremely tired and could not give two shits about him.

Then after trying to shove some food down her throat, she had gone up to the terrace of her house to tend to her garden. More specifically, her flower garden. 

She had loved flowers ever since she could walk. She could still smell the particular fragrance of the flower arrangements her mother used to do. She had loved watching her mother work with those delicate petals, loved learning about them and had grown fond of them.

So when Utsushi had shifted her into that humongous place called a house, she had tried her best to make it a home. She had started with the terrace. The place was left untouched and was covered with different vines growing from the cracks. Of course then there was the dust. She absolutely hated seeing places covered in dust.

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