1 - That could have gone better

118 7 11

It was Wednesday English class and Virgil was dying. Not literally from what he could tell, in fact his thoughts were along the lines of "If I am able to die then sign me the fuck up, I cannot stand another second of Ms droning on about the symbolism in Charles Dickens."

Fortunately for Virgil's sanity, Ms cut off her unappreciated lecture with;

"Roman? Roman!"

It was the normal routine for this lesson.
You see, Roman has the habit of treating Ms Sidney's lesson as extra naptime. Now this routine was about to change.

As usual Roman groggily lifts his head off the desk, fixes his hair, smiles, and replies with a polite "Yes Ms?"

After a few seconds of silence the class realised, one by one, that this wasn't going to turn out as usual, they each out down their pencils, and watch Ms turn from pale to pink, pink to red, red to a seething dark beetroot colour as she struggled to contain her anger.

The class stared in anticipation.

"That is it, Roman, that is IT! I am fed up of you SLEEPING in my class! Do you not realise how much EFFORT I put into this? How much I SACRIFICE TO EDUCATE THE LIKES OF YOU? AND THEN YOU JUST SLEEP AWAY ALL THE WORK, ALL MY WORK! DETENTION! ONE HOUR AFTER SCHOOL FRIDAY, YOU ARE NOT  GETTING OUT OF IT! UNDERSTAND?" she yelled as the rest of the class looked on in silence. Ms Sidney was short in stature and although her classes were often record breakingly boring, she was generally seen as sweet and had never been seen shouting before.

After a few breaths of sweet oxygen she seemed to have calmed down somewhat.

"Roman, meet me after lesson. Everyone, search for possible annotations on page 67, I'll be back in a minute." As soon as this sentence left the classroom, presumably to get a drink.

The tense atmosphere dissipated and quiet sniggers erupted from those who could see the horrified expression frozen on Roman's face. Virgil could almost imagine it as he got back to his doodling, unfortunately he did not have the pleasure of seeing it as he sat two rows behind Roman.

After a few nudges from the girl next to him, Roman seemed to break free from the icy grip of utter horror that gripped him. It was only a detention, he was very lucky to get away so lightly. After all, he could forge his parents signatures and tell them he was out with one of his friends. He found it funny that he could just make up a name and his parents would say that they remember him and let him go. Consoled by these thoughts, Roman started copying the notes that his partner presented him with, and thanking them, yet again, for helping him catch up.

But unfortunately after Ms returned the bordom returned and Virgil was forced to look for another method to keep at least a little will to live. Even resorting to telekinetically untucking random classmates school shirts.

Fortunately for Virgil, he found a hilarious way to keep himself entertained. Unfortunately for Roman, that involved him.

Virgil stated at the back of Romans head, telekinetically moving a few bits of hair on the back of his head. To Roman this felt like someone standing behind him and breathing down the back of his neck. He spun round to catch the culprit the fund a very confused classmate in the row behind him. Roman knew full well that it was physically impossible for him to breath down his his neck and jump back into his seat without making a sound.

Meanwhile, Virgil is in the back row desperately trying to control his laughter at Roman's confusion. He waited for Roman to calm down before doing it again.

Roman felt his hair move again, he must have something in his hair, he raked his hand through his hair, hoping that would sort it. Nope, there it is again, must be a bug or something. He takes a comb out of his pocket and rakes it through his hair. Again. It cannot be a bug, the comb teeth were to close together for that. Goddamnit, he knew this school was haunted.

Virgil was just contemplating doing it again when...

"Virgil, Is Roman more interesting than what I'm saying?"

Ms had caught Virgil staring at Roman.
Virgil's reply came before he could stop himself;

"Ms, I'm sure anything is more interesting than what you're saying."

The class went silent excluding the chorus of oooo coming from a few kids.

"Really? Well have fun spending 1 hour after school in Friday with Roman. Stay behind after class Virgil."

Virgil felt himself pale, this really did not go as planned.

(Please comment if you notice any mistakes.)

809 words

Normally Abnormal // PrinxietyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon