2 - It's not the detention that scares me.

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"And how was the anger of Ms Abel Sidney provoked, was it your own actions that directly led to her sanctioning you?" Stated Logan, in his usual monotone voice, as he watched his shorter friend try to match his pace.

"It was Roman's fault, he..." Virgil's speech was cut off as he tripped on air, "For fucks sake Logan, slow down, we're walking home, not running the fekking 100 metres." he added as he glared at Logan.

"Roman, hmm, I do not think I recognise that name, after all, I was not aware that there were people named after historical empires."

"He is the only guy in the school who is both on the school football team, and in the school production."

"That would explain why I do not know him, I have not associated with many members in either group, but how did his actions lead to your sanctioning? "

"He irritated miss by falling asleep in class and so she had Zero Tolerance for the rest of the lesson. "

"Ah yes but what did you do?"

"Well I was..." Virgil froze like a rabbit in headlights, he was close to spilling his telekinetic abilities to Logan. But what was he supposed to say instead? How could he explain himself? As he gathered his senses he noticed Logan looking at him, obviously interested in the reason for his sudden silence.


As Virgil flipped through excuses like trying to find the S section in a dictionary he hit a realisation, one that fitted the situation but brought an entire new wave of emotions.

"I said I found Roman interesting in front of 20 people." stated Virgil with a face that simultaneously said 'I want to die' and 'All witnesses must be executed.'

"I do not see the significance in that statement."


"I now see the significance in that statement."

"Thank you?"

The pair walked in silence for a few metres, one of them enjoying the chill in the December air, the other internally planning how to hide 20 bodies.

It was Logan who started the conversation again.

"Virgil, why are you so distressed about a detention? After all, it is  only an hour after final period of extra learning time."

"It's not the detention that scares me, it's my parents reaction to it that does. Also Roman got one too."

"I understand what you mean about fearing your parents reaction, since you found it upsetting when they confiscated your phone. Whereas, I suppose you can explain to Roman what you meant about being interested in him whilst in detention, since I presume that you did not mean that you were romantically or sexually attracted to him, but are you?"

"Am I what?"

"Romantically or sexually attracted to Roman."

"That question is for you to forget about, and me to ponder at 4 AM."

"It is unhealthy to be awake until that early."

"You're a hypocrite."

"I was merely stating a fact, not giving advice."

"Yeah yeah, totally believe you there bud."

The antisocial duo came Abel End Street, which was their parting point, and after discussing the extra L that appeared on the street sign, they bid their goodbyes and headed towards their separate houses. Virgil came up to his house after a few more minutes of walking, and, after much hesitation, went inside.

"Ms Sidney called today."

Virgil's blood ran cold, his mother was standing in the hallway, the brilliant excuse he had made up in whilst walking home relied on his parents only knowing the information given on the detention slip. Now he had no chance.

"She told me that you had been staring intently at a boy in class, and had been very rude to her when questioned, now I can only draw two conclusions, either you were using telekinesis on him or you have a crush on him."

"How did you know?" Questioned Virgil, anxious as to what betrayed him.

"Oh your brother told me."

"Declan told you that I was GAY?!"

"Yep." She made a popping sound with the P, her mock anger had dissipated, which calmed Virgil's roaring nerves a bit, but for now Virgil's nerves were smothered by the kind of anger one can only feel towards a sibling when they have acted like an utter prat.

Virgil tries to run past his mother, but she stands in the doorway.

"Talking to mothers before abusing brothers, first of all take off your coat and shoes Virgil, we have ONE rule about shoes in this house and you always break it."

Virgil telepathically slips off his shoes and yeets them in the vague direction of the door.

"Can I go nowww." Virgil whines, his mother's not mad at him so why is she holding him captive like this?

"Not until I know exactly what you were doing."

"Fine, I was telepathically messing with his hair. Lesson just got really boring. Please don't ground me again. I promise it won't happen again!"

"At least you weren't convincing an entire class that the school was haunted again. I am only letting you off because your brother got suspended today."

"Thank you." Virgil breathed as his mother stepped aside to let him leave. Wasting no time he ran upstairs to challenge his twin brother.

There we go, this was a very long chapter and took me ages to write, it was originally going to be longer but I decided to split it into two. Sorry for the huge delay.


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