4 - Keeping up with the Princesons

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(Guess which movie that's a reference to)

(Declan is Janus, he is just nicknamed Declan because his name is Janus Declan Wilson)

Roman believed he was a very rational man, of course, this was not true, but if you only really compared yourself to Remus, of course your judgement would be a little off too.

That being said, Roman was at least rational enough to not bleach his mouth after he accidentally bit into the toothpaste sandwich that Remus made him for breakfast, although the entire situation could have been avoided I'd he had checked the filling first, but, to cut him some slack, it was 7:15 on a Thursday morning, and most people would not be able to recite their 12 times table at that time, nevermind remembering the fact that that their brother is an offence to society.

'Why the fuck would you make that Remus?!' yelled Roman, whilst rifling through the cupboards for something that would drown out the taste of seeded brown bread and Colgate toothpaste, 'I swear you shouldn't be allowed outside, what the fuck Remus. Who the fuck eats a sandwich for breakfast anywa...'

Meanwhile, Remus was just leaning against the counter, munching on his own toothpaste sandwich and listening to his brother rant.

'Well you always complain about your morning routine taking a lot of time and you not wanting to get up earlier' Remus stops, takes a bite of his sandwich, and continues, 'and so I decided to mix breakfast and brushing our teeth, I was just trying to help.'

Remus shoots a smile at Roman knowing full well there is nothing he could respond with without sounding like a dick.

'Bitch, you know I brush my teeth in the shower, you share it with everyone who visits. I can tell you just did it to mess with me.'

Roman was correct, and both of them knew it, as Remus messing with Roman was not an uncommon occurrence. And so as Roman pulled a packet of strawberry bubblegum out of the cupboard, Remus decided to change the subject.

'So I hear Ms Sidney gave you a detention, what are you gonna do about that?' Remus knew because Roman had sent in his phone number instead of his father's.

'Forge the signature, Mother and Father haven't signed anything yet, I should be fine. Y'know, it's kinda funny cos they don't seem to care unless we have done something wrong - even if we've already been punished.' Roman stated, getting quieter with every word. Looking up at Remus's expression, he decided to change the subject, 'This guy also got set a detention, he was staring at me, and when questioned, said I was more interesting than the teacher!'

'That's an insult to the teacher, you're boooooring, Mr Who-The-Fuck-Eats-A-Sandwich-For-Breakfast.'

'Do you think he's like Patton?'

Remus looks around as though his parents were waiting to scream at him for uttering such a word in their household, then leans forward and whispered 'Gay?' Before hurriedly returning to his position and noticing the clock. 'Bro you're fucked.'

Roman followed his line of sight, muttered 'fuck' and promptly ran to get his bag and some chewing gum. 'Hey, arn't you running late too?'

'Nah, skippin' '


'Yup, I phoned in sick yesterday so I get another day off'


Roman fished his phone out his pocket and called Patton as he walked out the door. 'Hey Pat, I'm running late again, just go on without me.'

'You sure kiddo? I don't mind being late too!'

'Yeah I'm sure, I'll see you in form.'

'Seeya later kiddo!'

'Bye Patton'

Roman slowed down as he passed the bubble tea shop, he really did feel like getting one, and he wasn't holding Patton up...

But no, he was already late and it was impossible to sneak a bubble tea into form, he already had one detention.

'I'd like to order 2 regular bubble teas, one with a black tea base, blueberry flavouring, and strawberry juice bubbles, the other with a water base, mango flavouring, and pineapple jelly bubbles.'

'That would be £6.40'

(Comment any improvements)

692 words

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2020 ⏰

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