3 - Welp that's three of us

75 6 6

Declan was very smart, no, not in a academic sense, even though he could probably get good grades if he tried, but smart enough to know what was trouble and how to get out of it.

For example Declan could hear Virgil running up the stairs. It wasn't the fact that Virgil was running in the house that worried him, as Virgil usually did run in the house, but it was the fact that Virgil was running past his room towards Declan's room. Also the odd thumps that accompanied his footsteps, the sound of objects being lifted telekinetically and being dropped as they left his brothers aura of emotion suggested that Virgil was mad, very mad.

Of course Declan could tell that his minutes were numbered, any sane person could.

Which left him with about two seconds to grab his most prized possession (his xbox) and hide.

Unfortunately, 2 seconds were about 20 seconds too short, and Declan had only just scouted out a hiding spot before Virgil burst through the door and pointed his finger at him in an accusing way.

"You broke the promise." Virgil stated in a angry, irritated and slightly upset tone.

"It was an accident!" Deceit threw his hands up in the air in a form of surrender.


" Well... "

"Spit it out dickhead."

" Rude, so I was sitting with mum at the time Uncle Thomas came out as gay over text.... "


"I said well that's another one of us, and mum heard, and questioned it."

"And you told her I was gay."

" Yep. "

Virgil paused, obviously a lot calmer, but still wanting the cold, sweet ice cream of revenge. Unfortunately for him he was not as good at plotting as his younger twin.

Virgil let a smirk slip into his face as a perfect plan came to mind. Making sure Declan saw the smirk, he strode out of the room.


Dear reader, you may be wondering what Virgil was plotting. And so I, the omniscient writer, shall tell you.

He planned absolutely nothing, Virgil had neither the time it motivation to enact the perfect revenge, but Declan shall live in fear for as long as he thinks Virgil had one.


Virgil chucked himself on his bed, silently praying to not hear the fear evoking sounds of slats breaking. And let out a relieved breath when he did not. Of course he had homework to do, but that was to be worried about later. Who was he kidding? He had a whole detention to do it in on Friday.

Unfortunately, silence can never last, and so his blissful relaxation was cut off by the buzzing from his phone - buzzing because only psychopaths have the notification volume turned on.

Begrudgingly, he pulled his phone out of his pocket and turned it on.

Salutations Virgil, would
you like to accompany
me to the park on

why. you know i hate

You used one piece of
grammar, and you used
it incorrectly.

To answer your question,
I am studying how the
plants react to the change
of season, I would like
help with equipment.

then why didn't you just
say that

yes fine ill help.

Thank you. I shall see
you tomorrow.


Virgil flopped back onto his bed, a detention with the Theatre Jock and a scheduled social interaction, could things get worse?

I've been coming out of my cage and been doing just fine...I

Yes I did edit it because I messed up the texts.

(Comment any improvements)

599 words

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