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I opened my eyes to sunlight streaming through the windows. I was laying on my back, the blank ceiling staring back at me. I almost felt at peace, but seconds later, realization hit me and I remembered what I'd done.

I gulped, trying unsuccessfully to swallow the guilt. I turned my head to see Dan asleep beside me, turned just toward the wall so that I couldn't see his face totally, but I could make out the shape of lips and the slow rise and fall of his chest.

Things hadn't gotten as far as the dark side of me had wanted. I was grateful for that. But I knew I'd let myself get closer to Dan than I should have.

I didn't know if I would be able to turn him in as easily anymore.

My mind raced, recalling the night before. When he'd met me in the hall and everything started sprinting downhill, I had lost track of time. I didn't know how long it had taken before his hands started getting risky, roaming my body. I'd nearly drowned in the feeling of his mouth against mine, but when he brushed the back of my bra, I remembered it feeling like ice had hit me full in the face.

"Dan," I'd said breathlessly. "Don't." I sure as hell wasn't going to let him take any more of my sanity from me.

Luckily for me, he'd obliged. Of course, we'd fallen immediately back into the spiral, getting lost in each other before slowly making our way to the couch. We didn't last too much longer after that, what with it being one AM, but not before he'd told me he was sorry more times than I could count.

And that he needed me.

I could absolutely see how he needed me. He was in a ditch, and I held the ladder in one hand and the shovel in the other.

 I can't believe you've let yourself get attracted to this kind of insanity, I thought shamefully. It's just one big mess.

I tore my mind away from that, knowing just how much trouble I was in. I still couldn't understand how nothing had ripped the bandage off my graze in all that frenzy. With that in mind, I carefully picked at the sides of the bandage, lifting it to see what it looked like underneath.

I nearly choked. The redness had spread all around it and the actual wound looked... awful. "Oh my god..." I breathed. Could it be infected? I fought hard to push back the panic rising in my throat.

Dan stirred next to me and lifted his head. "Cass...?" he said groggily. I swallowed my attraction and snatched up the blanket, throwing it over my side to hide the graze.

"Shh... Nothing, Dan, go back to sleep." Yeah, look how it turned out last time you told him that.

Despite my pleads, he propped himself up and looked at me concernedly. I had to consciously control my mouth to stop it from dropping as I realized, somehow, his shirt had come off in the night. More guilt rushed to my mind. What kind of a sick person are you? I thought horribly.

"Good morning," he murmured.


"Are you alright?" he narrowed his eyes.

"Mmhm," I insisted, starting to edge off the couch, dragging the blanket with me. "I... I'll, uh, be right back."

I was nearly up and away, but Dan snagged my hand. He bore his blue eyes into mine and I could hardly move. "Are you regretting... last night?" he asked quietly.

I hesitated, trying to form words. "I... I can't really answer that right now." I pulled my wrist from his grip and hurried down the hall. I slammed my door behind me, sinking down and putting my head in my hands. "What am I gonna do?"

Anyone else thinking Veins or is it just me...? Muahaha "we find ourselves to find ourselves / just where the author wanted / intermingled in each other's arms"

Also, there are only about 6 or so chapters left. Enjoy!!

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