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- Dan -
I'd remained in the waiting room for over an hour before the doctor finally returned with news. "Sir?" he greeted me. I stood up and took a step toward him, my heart seizing. He motioned for me to sit down and he did the same beside me.

"We've stabilized your friend—" he began.

"Cassie," I interrupted him. "Cassidy Meredith." My throat closed up, saying her last name.

The doctor nodded slowly. "Yes, we've stabilized Cassidy. It appears she was wounded on her side and it became infected. It seems quite recent. Do you know of anywhere she might've been to hurt herself? Did she mention anything to you, such as fatigue, dizziness...?" he asked.

I swallowed. I opened my mouth to attempt at an answer, but stopped when suddenly the sound of police sirens filled my ears. My head snapped to the doors and saw red and blue lights flashing outside. A few men burst in, fully uniformed, and proceeded into the lobby.

"Daniel Smith?" one of them called into the room. I held my breath, feeling still as stone and forgetting the doctor as his gaze swept the room...

...and landed on me.

He strode forward and the doctor stood up to meet him. "Yes, officer? Is there anything I could help you with?"

"Yes, we're looking for a Daniel Smith? The man behind you closely resembles the description we've been given. Could we speak to him?" he gestured to me. My stomach dropped to the floor.

"Oh... yes, certainly."

The doctor moved aside and the officer stepped in front of me. "Stand up." I stood as still as I could. "What is your name?"

I took a breath. Cassidy was safe. I needed to take responsibility. Her plan might work, as long as she recovered in time. Either way, I still thought I was better off in prison. "My name..." I breathed. Then, louder, "I am Daniel Smith. I will go willingly with you, officer."

He pursed his lips and grabbed my shoulders, turning me around and opening a pair of handcuffs. "Daniel Smith, you are under arrest for kidnapping and theft of federal documents. You have the right to remain silent. You have the right to an attorney; if you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you by the state. Do you understand these rights as I read them to you?" [gotta love L&O]

I took another deep breath. "Yes."

Just as the officer started leading me toward the door, he jerked me to the side violently. My jacket went flying and something flew out of it. It landed with a clatter on the floor. I looked down and my stomach dropped further.

It was the gun.

Another officer rushed over and picked it up with a cloth. The officer holding me turned to me and asked, "Is that yours?" I nodded, still reeling with shock. He grunted and motioned for the other man to follow him out the door with the gun.

He shoved me in the police car and slammed the door. I stared at the hospital doors, picturing Cassie lying unconscious in a bed with wires and tubes coming out of her all because of me. I tore my gaze from the doors and stared straight ahead. It was time to face my actions. She'd concluded herself by forgiving me, so it was time for my conclusion.

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