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Dear Winifred,
    Today's Saturday as usual,I was locked up in my room....till Linda called me to introduce me to a new neighbour.

" This is my late husband wife kid,Shirley ". That was Linda's word.

" Apparently, your stepdaughter is an imbecile! ". The man said.

" It's a good thing am the 'step' mother not the mother,right? ". Linda laughed as the man joined her.

" Well my name is Oscar Benjamin and that's my useless son over there,Princewill ". He said.

" You can go in now,Shirley ". Linda waved her hands.

" And his wife? ". Linda asked..

I was eavesdropping.

" She left us,coward Lady ". The man said.

" Well,luckily, not all of us are cowards ". Linda was trying to flirt with the man.

" Mom! ". Shantelle came out and eyed the man disgustingly before her eyes caught Princewill who by the way,was not interested in what his Dad was saying but into the phone.

" Who's that? ". Shantelle whispered to me.
I and Shantelle have been good after the whole class found out we were siblings, fortunately she didn't accuse me.

" The man son,his name is Princewill ". I said uninterestingly.

" He's hot...anyways someone is hotter and that's Zion ". Shantelle giggled.

" You're still after Zion? ".

" Well duh! ".Shantelle smiled and walked inside.

I looked at Princewill one more time and then went inside.

I wasn't in the mood,Friday literally killed me.

Minutes later, I was arranging my room for Paul's visit when Shantelle barged into my room.

" You invited Fat Paul to my lounge! ". Shantelle shrieked.

" Actually, it's my home first and I don't have time Shantelle, am not in the mood ". I left her and went downstairs to bring Paul in when I saw him talking to Princewill.

" Hi Paul,sorry to keep you waiting ". I said ignoring Princewill presence.

" Shirley you never told me you have such nice neighbour ". Paul smiled.

" Well,he just moved in ". I said.

" Hi....Princewill ". He smiled.

" Shirley ". I didn't smile," Let's go in Paul ".

" Later man!...I'll come visit ". Paul said.

" Are you okay? ". Paul asked when we entered our room.

" Can I ever be okay?.. I mean look at me ". I said.

" You're beautiful Shirley,you don't need Zion or anyone to tell you that,your chubby cheeks are lovely and your dimples are mad..For real Shirley ". Paul said.

" Well,thank you but sometimes we do need people to complement us,it brings inner joy,I mean it's like me telling you that you're handsome and cute when you need Brianna to see that,it's the same with me ". I said.

Dear Winifred, diary of a Mongoloid face.Where stories live. Discover now