Chapter Three

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"A business venture? Are you quite certain you have the mental and physical facilities for such a large venture? Perhaps it would be better to stick to reading your books, learning etiquette and socialising with your friends. After all, isn't that what you were brought up to do?"

Well, I didn't assume him to be easy but at least he can maintain a form of loving future ruler while slashing my idea apart. I will get to be equal to this man if we get married. He clearly hasn't spent any time paying attention to his future wife. Since I have awoken nobody has mentioned friends or letters Aurora had received. He must assume her to be as superficial as all other noblewomen. I'm looking forward to destroying what he thought was true.

"Well, if you want for this deal to work, I suggest that you have a more open mind to my mental and physical facilities, Prince Ares. If not, I'm sure you'll miss out on an impressive profit that could be made. After all, there are a multitude of ways for me to be financed but I decided to come to my dear fiancé first," with each word I leaked an all too familiar obnoxious aura.

He was no longer surprised. He was annoyed. More annoyed than I had expected. It made me feel excited to see how far I could push him. I couldn't help but wonder what other kinds of expressions he could make.

"Listen, a sheltered young lady would likely be crippled by the older more business savvy men in the business industry. A delicate woman should not attempt to play with men. She wouldn't be able to keep up and he squashed in the process."

Oh wow, this became interesting. I hadn't had a negotiation like this in a long time. Back home everyone bowed down to me and were too scared to argue. They knew to have me on their side would ultimately work in their favour, yet in his reasoning I am unimportant. It's new. I like new.

Why am I liking him more and more? No. Ignore that for now! I need to show him I am not messing around. I know exactly what I'm talking about.

"I understand I am but an insignificant woman not strong enough to play with the boys... But what is the likelihood you will get this kind of deal? All women will want to have your child and receive your love. I am offering a stress-free life at a small price. Wouldn't you want to focus on your work rather than following the whims of another sheltered young lady?"

There was a moment of contemplation. I could see him weighing up the potential benefits. Ok, I'll push him a little further.

"In fact, if you doubt my knowledge and capabilities, you could always test me. After all, how could you simply trust the word of your fiancee? I must have been asking too much from you."

His eyes brightened. Maybe he had been seeing this whole conversation as a bluff he could finally test. He must have liked that. What a shame that assumption will come back to bite him. Clearly, he is unaware of who he is dealing with.

"Ok. I will entertain you. Since you are young and naive, I'll go easy. Tell me what are the key things to consider when opening a business?"

He wasn't lying about going easy. I was taught this when I was twelve.

"First, consider the economic climate. If you start during a recession you are bound to fail due to the lack of demand. What market are you entering? Then the saturation of your market and the barriers to entry. A concentrated market will likely have a high barrier to entry and higher costs in the beginning. Who is your target audience? Consider the location you will set up your business and the footfall it will receive... Do I have to continue to convince you I know what I am talking about, Your Highness?"

I couldn't help but feel smug. My point was proven pretty quickly. I want to continue proving his assumptions wrong. I wondered how he would react once he sees my full potential. Maybe I could conquer him into being the perfect husband.

"Oh! That sounds fun!" I thought with a smirk reaching my face.

"There's no need to look so smug. I will agree with the terms, however, there is one more term I will add," Ares began with a tone that told me I had won the battle but not the war yet, "You will have to have paid back the loan I give you after 6 months. If you can't pay back then the deal is off."

What a sneaky bastard. He is aware that there is currently a reduction in demand for products within our Dukedom due to the epidemic. I suppose he doesn't know that the Duke intends to reduce interest rates and give more reason to spend, giving me all the more reason to start soon.

"Deal. I enjoyed doing business with you, Your Highness. I will write up and send the contract to you to sign."

He is waiting for me to stand up first. I won't though. Not after what he had called me, I refuse to relent on this. He came uninvited, commented on my appearance and accused me of being naive and weak. This was the least he could do.

"Hah, fine," Ares muttered under his breath before standing up and holding his hand out, "I will ensure to sign the contract as soon as time allows."

"I appreciate your cooperation, Your Highness. I shall instruct our dear Butler to help you out," I smiled while grasping his hand and standing up.

Once he had left, I was able to release a breath.

It was certainly an experience. He had been slightly less frigid and unmovable than I had assumed, which would certainly be a good thing in the long run.

I was beginning to like my current position! I could rebuild my empire and go down in history as the first Queen to be a business genius! I just need to go about this scenario correctly.

The day had been a success towards that goal but tomorrow is when it really begins!

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