---I Love You

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This is by lostincabello again. I know I keep taking her/his chapter from Shawmila One-Shots, but they're pretty good. Go follow them and check out their book. (I don't know if it's a he or a she, so I'm using them, their, they're)  This one's gets  smutty soooo... ALSO: APPRECIATE THE GIF OK?? IT TOOK ME FOREVER TO FIND ONE THAT CAN FIT. 😭


The First Time

Shawn had known that he'd had a crush on Camila since he was 16. 

He didn't really know why. She was the complete opposite of him. 

 He'd spent most of the Austin Mahone tour isolating himself, not exactly familiar with touring by himself without his friends. 

But Camila was always there, knocking excitedly on his door and barging in at times without notice. 

It was difficult to say no to her when her eyes shone and her smile lit up the room. 

He'd often been the victim to her dance parties. She'd laugh and make him spin her around until she was dizzy. 

And when she gyrated her hips, that was not good for a 16-year-old hormonal boy. 

 Crazy was the only way to describe her, but she made him feel less alone. 

He missed her when she went out to explore the city with the girls. When she came back, there was always some story to tell him. 

 It was her fault that she stormed in that day. She practically burst through the door. 

 "Shawn! You won't believe what happened at sound check today!" She said, giggling breathlessly. Her laugh was his favorite. "Ally tripped and fell of the stage! Oh my god! It was so funny! Thank god she's ok though." Shawn gave her a smile. 

 "Hey, what are you playing?" She pointed to his guitar. 

 "I'm just messing around." "Play me something," she said and sat herself next to him. "What do you want me to play?" 

 "Anything! How about Isn't She Lovely?" He grins at her, "That's my favorite." 

 "I know! That's why I chose it." She watches as he plays the first verse of the song. 

He closes his eyes and sings the verses, lost in the music. 

His eyes open when Camila joins in. Their voices meld together. He thinks he might love her. "I love you," he blurts out. 

 Camila gives him a curious look. "I love you too, Shawn! You're my best friend," she giggles and blushes, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. 

 Shawn looks down and smiles to himself. 

 The Second Time 

 Writing Senorita was not good for Shawn's heart. 

His growing feelings for Camila seemed to heighten everyday, uncontrollably. 

They met almost every month to dish out some new lyrics for the song, but it was so difficult, especially since every single meet up would end up in some kind of heated make-out session. 


 It's their third time meeting up. 

Shawn made some time in his busy schedule to finally see her. 

They meet at a studio he rents out for a day in Los Angeles. 

A quiet and safe environment should give them some writing inspiration. They'd written the chorus the last two times. 

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