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This is a converted imagine off of Tumblr. All credit goes to owner/ writer.

In honor of 100 parts, I put together adorable blurbs of Shawn and Camila. Enjoyyyy! 💕💕


Baby Girl

Camila's POV

I took in a deep breath before opening my eyes finally. A short nap was just what I had needed. My entire body was exhausted, having just given birth to a seven pound, four ounce perfect little girl. The nurses had came to take her back to the nursery for a few shots so I decided to take a nap. My eyes flickered to the clock to see how long I had been asleep. It was nearly eight pm. I'd been asleep for three and a half hours?

I glanced over to my right side to see if Shawn was still in the room or if he had wondered down to the hospital cafeteria yet again. There he sat with our baby in his hands. His hands were almost as big as she was. One hand supported her tiny head while the other held up the lower half of her body. The sight was one that melted me completely. Shawn was talking to our baby, just like she could talk back, and kissing her small features while she slept.

"You're so lucky you have such an amazing mommy, I love her so much and I know you will too." he cooed to her, "I just wish you looked more like her and not me."

I smiled to myself. He was right, she didn't look a thing like me. She was all Shawn. It didn't matter who she looked like though, she was precious. I never knew it was possible to love anyone as much as I love Shawn but now I knew it was. Our little girl was only hours old but she's already showed me a new kind of love that I've never felt before. Shawn noticed I was awake and paced over to me, clutching our baby close to him as if he was afraid he'd hurt her.

"How was your sleep?" He asked.

"It was amazing. I needed it. How long ago did they bring her in?"

"Only about 30 minutes ago. She was asleep but I couldn't help but hold her. She's just too perfect."

He sat down on the bed at my feet, moving our baby back to his hands to stare at her in admiration. He was such a nervous wreck all week, afraid she would cry when he held her, afraid he wouldn't know what to do but here he is doing everything perfectly. I continued to admire Shawn while he admired our baby girl. Night turned into morning as we took turns holding her and talking about how we were both filled with happiness now that she's finally here. We were truly in love with each other all over again because of the new love we both felt.


Shawn As A Dad Blurbs

Camila's POVs


"Come on, love. You've got this. Just one more push." Shawn encouraged. I yelped in pain as I pushed one last time. I then heard our baby cry and my body relaxed. I sunk back into the hospital bed.

The doctor handed him to Shawn first after letting him cut the umbilical cord. Shawn admired our son. Tears formed in his eyes.

"Hey little guy, I'm your daddy." He spoke softly. He handed him to me and wiped the tears from his cheeks. I cradled him into my arms and could now see why Shawn was crying. He was perfect. Of course I was very partial because he was my baby, but to me he was flawless.

I caressed his somewhat chubby cheeks gently with my thumb. The bed sank in beside me as Shawn sat down. He wrapped an arm around me, rubbing my forearm then he kissed my temple.

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