You And I Make Everything Alright

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This is a converted imagine off of Tumblr. All credit goes to owner/ writer.

This da link of the original imagine:


When Shawn came home, he was absolutely knackered. So he immediately changed his clothes he had worn to school and crawled into bed, dressed only in his boxers because he simply could not be arsed. He had stayed in the school's library, revising for his psychology course and he knows that since Camila is home, there is no way he is going to get anything done.

Shawn loves to spend time with Camila, especially when the time they spend together has been reduced given her job, which is her dream. He will never ask her to give it up and, thus, he longs to spend every waking second with her when she is home. Shawn knows that school can get in the way but it is still his number one priority. He still is very much invested in building a name for himself, making something out himself.

Camila knows this, too, so instead of complaining as one might, Camila encourages him to go to the library and study, only wanting him to do well in his future. She already has her life figured out – she was blessed with the luck and the quality of hard work. Shawn admires it so much, it prompts him to study more, as well, to somehow get on her level of dedication. To do as well as she is doing in life.

He looks at Camila, turned to face her side, hands clutching the duvet and her hair scattered on the pillow. She looks peaceful. Shawn sighs in relief, glad. 

Shawn sighs, turning to his side to block the light that comes from his phone, that might wake up Camila. He's scrolling through his feed, checking what classes he has for tomorrow, seeing if he can come home early possibly so he can spend more time with Camila.

When Shawn pulls the cover of his body, that's when he hears it first.

It's a whimper.

His mind immediately floods with the deepest concern and he turns over to see what is bothering the love of his life.

Shawn's hand immediately reaches out to her, a small, sleepy smile on his face. She makes him so happy, just the thought of Camila betters his mood.

"Hi, honey," Shawn calls, sweetly voice low. "What's wrong?"

It's dark and he doesn't hear anything. But the moonlight penetrates the small gap between the almost closed curtains and casts onto her face. The tears running down her face are illuminated, her mouth slightly parted.

The whimpers become louder.

Shawn's stomach fills with an unbearable dread and his heart aches, not knowing what is happening. His mind fills with the darkest of images and he instantly sits up, pushing the covers down their bodies. He checks for blood and there is none.

And Shawn finally spots it.

She's laying flat on her back, hands by her sides. She looks frozen.

It hits him. She is frozen.

He gasps, leaping off the bed. When his absence is felt, her whimpers become louder but are cut short with erratic breathing.

When he flips the lights on, Shawn calmly walks to the bed, trying not upset her anymore.

He rests himself against the headboard, laying low and his hands gently bring them to her face.

Sleep paralysis. Hypnopompic: happening whilst waking up.

You and Me, ForeverTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang