Chapter 2

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Echoheart stood beside Whispersong, Bumblefrost, and Star that Shines Bright, looking across the river. Echoheart's heart fluttered in her chest. Just across the river was DawnClan territory! She could see the forest ahead of them; the green and yellow trees stood tall, leaves and pine needles rustling in the breeze. It was just as Echoheart remembered. They were nearly home! 

The journey from the mountains had taken them nearly two moons, and along the way, she, Whispersong, and Bumblefrost had begun teaching Star basic battle moves, parts of the warrior code, and how to hunt in forest terrain.

This morning they'd reached DayClan territory, which had been difficult to go through without being spotted. They had to walk along the Thunderpath to mask their scent. Star had been absolutely terrified when she saw the hard black surface with the monsters racing past; it was the first time she'd seen one, since they didn't travel back through the Twolegplace like they had on their journey to the mountains; they'd taken a different, safer, although longer, path.

"I smell scents like yours," Star commented, looking around at the river. "It smells like both of you," she nodded at Echoheart and Whispersong, then Bumblefrost.

"Well, that's because Whispersong and I are from DawnClan, and Bumblefrost is from DayClan. You can smell both of the Clans' scent markers here; it's the border between the territories," Echoheart meowed. She sniffed DawnClan's scent, and memories flooded back to her. Her heart leapt again. She was so close to home!

Star sighed. "It's nice here, but... I miss home."

"You'll get used to it," Whispersong meowed comfortingly.

"What if your Clan doesn't like me? Or accept me? Will I have to be a loner? Or..." she gulped, "a kittypet? I don't want to live with those Twolegs!"

"DawnClan will accept you," Echoheart meowed determinedly. They'd better.

"You're not the only one worried," Bumblefrost murmured, his thick black tail twitching. "I used to be in DayClan; but I don't want to go back. They wouldn't be able to trust me anyway because I left with two DawnClan cats and deserted my Clan. And DawnClan probably won't want me because I was a DayClan cat." He sighed. "I don't belong anywhere."

"You do." Whispersong licked Bumblefrost's cheek.

"Sounds harsh," Star murmured nervously, staring at her paws.

"You two will be accepted by DawnClan. I'll make sure of it," Echoheart meowed in determination. "I'll make them see." Even Bumblefrost. He was growing on her; he'd saved her life twice on the journey to the mountains and had stood by them loyally the entire time. He'd always had her back even when he didn't truly like her. He was a good cat.

Star look up and blinked at her, her one pale green eye and one light blue eye shining warmly. "Thanks," she smiled weakly. Echoheart smiled back.

"Let's go!" Whispersong urged them, prancing on the spot as she watched the river flow by in front of them. Whispersong flicked her tail at Echoheart to go first.
Echoheart's stomach did an excited flip. She sprang off the muddy bank and onto the first stepping stone. The current lapped at her paws, then she jumped to the next one, hearing Whispersong behind her. When she leapt from the last stone, landing on DawnClan territory, her excitement spilled over. "We made it!" she squealed, prancing on the spot and lifting her tail high. They'd actually made it! They were finally home, on DawnClan territory again! After all those moons away from the Clans, they were finally back where they truly belonged! They were home at last!

Whispersong joined her a heartbeat later, racing in circles around Echoheart in the yellow and brown grass. "I can't believe it! We're home!"

Bumblefrost laughed as he joined them, batting playfully at Whispersong. Star smiled as she jumped to the grassy bank, tail swishing.

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