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"jasmine!" the speaker beside me roared.
The voice rang in my ears,
It wasn't Martha today that woke me up but I recognized the voice as someone from the Aquarius division.
I didn't know them personally so I didn't have the courage to argue with them about waking up, not that I'd always argue.
I clicked on the speaker, activating the microphone.
The red light switched on.
"I'm up" is all I said.
They switched off the connection.
I sat up in bed, tired and paranoid.
I questioned everyone in my head but all it lead to was a dead-end and useless's guilt for not saying anything. I decided that I shouldn't dwell on the topic until I'm given a reason to.
I got out of bed and grabbed a red towel from my closet and headed down to the showers down the hallway.
We all had our own shower with our own products in each, we just shower in the same room. (its set up kinda like a locker room except a lot more private and there's a changing room. So it's kinda like a bathroom but smaller and no toilet)
I started going down the hall while two other people were going in the same direction also holding their things.
I walk into my mini room and set down my towel. I went back to my room to decide on an

 I went back to my room to decide on an outfit

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I grabbed my clothes and sprinted back to my shower

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I grabbed my clothes and sprinted back to my shower.
I walked into the small bathroom and began to get undressed.
Once I was done I turned on the water.
It started too hot, the steam poured out of the shower, I turned to a cooler and more bearable temperature.
I walk in and soak my hair, reaching for the soap.
I lather my hair, avoiding the substance from getting into my eyes.
I quickly rinse it out and start to apply a coconut-scented conditioner in my hair. I let it sit for a moment before rinsing it out.
I applied a body scrub followed by a moisturizing body soap, all having a signature warm vanilla or floral scent that all go quite well together.
I finished, got out of the shower and wrapped myself in the towel.
I went over to the sink and wiped the steam off of the mirror so I can properly see myself.
I stared at my reflection for a second, last night's events flashing through my head.
I saw the corners of my lips twitch down. I shut my eyes and let out a deep breath that I didn't know I was holding.
I just tried to shake it off while I was reaching for my toothbrush, it was all too much.
I grabbed my toothbrush and put some teeth whitening paste on the bristles.
I started brushing my teeth, trying to keep my mind focused on the action.
I spat out the last bit of toothpaste and move on.
I flipped open the mirror and reached into the medicine cabinet type set up for my lotion and body spray.
I closed the mirror and quickly applied the lotion followed by my body spray, both have my signature warm scent.
I moved on to putting on my clothing.
While buttoning up my shirt a question popped into my head, not a new one, but this time it was begging to be answered.
Do I tell anyone?
Do I tell Jackson?

I walked back down the hall and enter my room.
I shut the door and stood there for a moment.
I decided my room was a bit too dark for it being 7:00 am.
I walked over to my window to open the blinds, one of the window panes being rose-tinted with an aries symbol being uncolored.
I sat on my bed and reached for my laptop to check my schedule.
"aim practice at 10 in the field......" I trailed off
"chem at 12......"
"co- COACHING AT 1?!?" so it wasn't a test? I'm actually coaching these people? Or is this for a week type thing?
I had many questions that wouldn't be answered until 1 pm.
"Another aim practice at 7 pm then dinner......"
My schedule seemed pretty good, I felt a tad more optimistic to start the day.
I was interrupted by a knock at my door.

"cooommmiinnngg!" I shouted, rising from my bed.
I opened the door and was met with just someone's chest.
I slowly tilted my head up and faced Jackson.
"good morning!" he said with a smile.
He was awfully cheerful, it was almost contagious.
I grinned back.
"good morning, tall dude." I said in response.
"good morning, little human." Jackson said in response, we both started to get competitive.
"good morning, giant."
"good morning, teeny tiny."
" good morning, skyscraper."
"ok that one was good"
"ah, the skyscraper is offended."
I chuckled at our childish insult battle.
"so, let's go eat." I said, dragging Jackson by his forearm.
"damn, teeny tiny is strong!" Jackson announced.
I continued to drag him until we made it to the cafeteria.
"so, what do you want?" asked Jackson
"hmmm," I thought for a moment, looking around at the carts.
A coffee cart caught my eye.
"the human bean?" I offered.
Jackson thought for a second then nodded his head. I bolted towards the cart, Jackson quickly following behind.
I got in the very short line and looked at the menu.
" what would you like, darling?"
The lady asking me for my order had a very thick southern accent that was oddly comforting.
"i will have a medium vanilla mocha and he will have a-?" I said gesturing towards Jackson.
"o-oh u-uh a medium caramel mocha." Jackson said.
She quickly wrote it down and asked for our currency cards.
I handed her mine and Jackson handed in his, they quickly scanned it and returned them.
"jackson" I whispered in an attempt to reach his ear, he leaned down so I could reach.
"uh huh?"
"you wait here I'm going to go find a seat," I said, patting his shoulder before heading off.
I jogged out and looked around for an empty seat.
I find one in the corner of the massive room next to a large window.
Although the room was massive it did feel very warm and comforting.
The wood walls and tables.
To warm white lights and windows.
It was just a big coffee shop in my eyes.
I looked over at the group of Aquarius's next to the free seats.
One jokingly held their friend's hands behind their back and the rest laughed.
That image was quickly replaced with the girl from the libra division that I saw last night.
It summoned the question again.
Do I tell Jackson?
I shook my head and closed my eyes and ran back to the human bean cart.
Jackson was already walking away with our drinks when I gestured for him to follow me back to our seats, I plastered on a fake smile to not worry him.

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