Chapter 1

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Lydia Han was perched precariously on the railing of a 27th floor balcony, wobbling back and forth. Lydia's focus was on the rooftop of the building next door. If she could just get over there without plunging to her death...

"Go!" Lydia whispered to herself, and made the jump, wishing she had a harness or some sort osafety net under her. Her hands gripped onto the edge of the cement and she gasped as her legs swung in midair. She finally pressed them against the side of the building and groped around for a footrest. Lydia knew there was no hope. She was going to drop. Just as her right hand slid off the ledge, a strong grip clasped over her left hand and pulled her up. Lydia gasped as she came face to face with a smirking woman.

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