Chapter 7

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"You're not who you say you are."

Those words echoed through Lydia's head the whole night. What did it mean? Of course, it could mean anything. It could be just a joke. But what if Adrianna really knew who Lydia was?

Lydia flipped her pillow over again and sat up. The only way to get this over with was to be brave and text Agent Sierra about it. Lydia tried to reassure herself that Agent Sierra wouldn't be mad, then realized that Agent Sierra probably already knew anyways. That is, if Agent Sierra was actually who she said she was. Her real name was probably something ugly. Lydia pushed the thought away and focused on more urgent matters.

CARA LYDIA: I need to admit something.

The response came way faster than expected. Maybe secret agents never slept.

AGENT SIERRA: I'm doing some background research on Adrianna as we talk. Can you meet me outside your house in five?

CARA LYDIA: Wait what?

After receiving no response, Lydia got out of bed and tried to see out the window, but it was too black to spot anything. She grabbed her heavy duty flashlight and hurried down the stairs and out the door. Agent Sierra smacked her arm the second she got outside and turned off the flashlight with a growl.

"Have you learned nothing? We work in darkness. C'mon."

"W-what are we doing?" Lydia whispered, her voice shaking. Agent Sierra said nothing, just kept walking.

Ten minutes later, the pair reached an old wood barn. Agent Sierra took something out of her pocket and the doors snapped open.

"In," she ordered Lydia.

"Isn't this, like, trespassing?" Lydia wondered.

"Yes. Now go before we get caught."

Lydia shook her head. "No. You first."

Agent Sierra went inside and Lydia followed, only to go out the other side.The two appeared at the back of a giant mansion.

"And this," Agent Sierra said, waving her hand, "is Adrianna's estate."

Lydia gasped. "No!"

"Yeah, but we're safe," Agent Sierra said. Lydia wasn't reassured.

"Let's just get this over with."

"Good idea."

Agent Sierra pulled out a keychain with a key, but instead of using the key, she held up the bobby pin hanging next to it, then the paperclip, then the library card. It finally popped open and creaked as Agent Sierra swung it open. Lydia gupled. Surely they were about to get caught! When no one came to the door, the two stepped inside.

"What if we get caught?" Lydia whispered.

"What if they hear you talking?" Agent Sierra shot back. Lydia stopped talking and followed Agent Sierra through the house.

Once they reached the second floor, Agent Sierra positioned Lydia and told her to keep watch, then moved on herself.

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