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Ok quick explanation, so I'm gonna say that in my story that if the zombies are smart enough they can learn homan things they can also think but can't talk unless they learn too anyways on with the chapter!
America's POV
So I guess I'm a zombie now. Oh look there's Brazil, also a zombie. I try and wave but he doesn't wave back he just stumbles off. Weird.
I also stumble around slowly tryin to catch my balance. All I see is zombies. I do see a human body. Gross. There were a few zombies eating it. Id rather starve. Even though I'm hungry I walk away. While walking I see Russia, Germany, Poland holding Germany's hand (UwU), Ukraine, Japan, South Korea, and Canada. I decide to slowly follow them. What will they think of me if I look like this? I slip away from everyone else after I follow them back to the city. I go back into the store we went before. I see my backpack. Hmm. I walk up to the backpack. I pull out everything in it. My phone and headphones, charger, an extra pair of clothes including two hoodies and a book. I wonder what this book says, I can't seem to be able to read it. The book was covered in blood and dust. Even after I removed the dust and smeared the blood I could tell what the book was. I can't seem to remember. I put it back into the bag and make my way out of the store. I look at my pale-greenish-blueish skin. All my veins popping out. Mostly around my bite mark, which has a lot of dried up blood around it. I look at the sky, the sun set, and the beautiful trees. Oh how I wish I was human again. I hear footsteps behind me getting louder and louder.
I turn around and see just a dark figure. My vision is all blurry and suddenly everything is black again
335 words
Ugh my writing sucks but uh thanks for reading I guess

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