🌻Chapter 1🌻

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My name is Izuku Midoriya and Im a normal boy who lives near the woods. I work at a flower shop downtown with my friends Denki and Shoto. Denki lives with me right now in a small apartment closer to the woods, he's trying to save up to move to Paris with me.

"Hey Midoria!" Denki yelled at me... I must of been daydreaming again because I wasn't paying attention the first time he called my name. 

"Ack, sorry Denki, I didn't hear you.." I rubbed the back of my neck and sighed, "Its been slow today so I haven't been too focused haha.."

"Yeah, any longer and you might of fallen asleep, why don't you take your lunch break a little earlier, you could freshen up." Denki picked up a box of flowers and carried them over to the back room.


"Yeah, you did a lot last night for that massive order, and the boss is away today so it should be fine." Denki yelled from the back room, he came out with a pare of scissors and some ribbon.

"Thank you!" I grabbed my backpack with my food in it and took off my apron. 

"No problems, I'll deal with the customers, just make sure to be back in an hour so I can have my break too.." 

"Don't worry I won't fall asleep outside again!" I left the building and headed down the side ally way, my mountain bike was parked there and I grabbed it and hauled it to the street before getting on and riding off.

I rode down the street and turned the corner, I could feel the wind in my hair and the breeze pulling up my white sweater and going under my tee-shirt. I dashed past the busy streets and headed for the forest trail. It was hard to get past most people in this time of the day, lunch rush hour was always busy and I couldn't ignore that. 

I arrived at the edge of the forest and got off my bike, it was much easier to push my bike here instead of riding it. The ground was uneven and the forest was thick. I pushed my mountain bike down the small trail I had made from being here many, many times and carried on until I got to a clearing, a very beautiful clearing.

It was a small patch of flowers, big enough for me to put my picket blanket down and for me to not feel cramped. After laying down my mountain bike I opened up my bag and took out a small bento box. It had rice, salmon and my favourite food, spicy kastudon, homemade fresh.

I was just about to start digging in when something caught my eye, it wasn't much but it flashed past the trees just quick enough so I couldn't make it out. But whatever it was it looked big...   

A bear perhaps? No, too small. Even a baby bear would be a little bigger than that, and would probably be with it's mother... An eagle then? I have seen them before in these woods, Nah, It would be flying way to low... I turned my back just as it passed by again. Something was here and was probably trying to eat me--


And thats when I saw it, a beautiful cream coloured wolf. Amber eyes gazing brightly at me, as to say, hello...


A/N: Thank you so much for reading the first chapter! It really means a lot!!! Hopefully you'll stick around to see the rest of this book being written. 

Until the next chapter!!!

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