🥀Chapter 2🥀

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And thats when I saw it, a beautiful cream coloured wolf. Amber eyes gazing brightly at me, as to say, hello...


The Cream coloured wolf stared at me for what felt like forever, it stood high up on a low hanging tree branch and I was too scared to move. We locked eyes for a second and it climbed down, its jaws were wide open and it was drooling. I was dead, dead, dead, oh gosh I though I would of at lease lived a little bit longer, I mean my expectations wren't high but- 

Instead of attacking me, the wolf looked down at my bento box, it pushed me aside and dug into it. Surprisingly eating everything I had, even the rice. At times like this I feel like I should of been eaten instead, yeah sure my life was nice, but that food was even nicer.

The wolf perked its ears up and stared at me, I was half sprawled across the floor and way to frozen with fear to move, this wolf was so beautiful and yet so blood chilling... It stared at me for a while and then dashed off. 

It was gone...

"What- What was that...?" For a wolf's behaviour that certainly was strange, i've heard of wolves attacking people before but never sparing them and just eating there lunch... 

I got up, packet my now empty bento box away and grabbed my bike. Instead of heading back to work I rode down to a local cafe, picked up something to eat and took the rest of my break to think about the wolf. Something about it was so strange...

I got back to work and Denki took his break. I took care of the few customers that came in, and when Denki came back we cleaned up and went home... 

"Hey Midoriya, you ok?" Denki asked me as we walked through the door, he but his bag on the kitchen bench.

"Hm? Yeah Im fine." I said whilst I sat on my desk, I opened up my mac and started to log in.

"You looked a little shaken when you came back from your break, did something happen?"

"No, nothing at all..." I didn't want to tell him about the wolf encounter, Denki might think i'm crazy... 

"Ok..." Denki walked off and grabbed a towl to have a shower and walked off to the bathroom. 

I grabbed my Laptop and moved to the couch. There was so much I wanted to know about wolves now that I've seen that one... Wolf behaviour, what you should do if you see a wolf, do wolves usually attack humans, cream coloured wolves, wolves that live in forest...  It was all so interesting to me now.. But one one thing stayed consistant, it all didn't line up with the wolf I saw at the forest.

Firstly, I should of been dead. No way I should of stayed alive, I wasn't even standing up. Secondly, normal wolves definitely wouldn't eat the rice or the vegetables that I brought in my bento box. Thirdly... Well, i'm not too sure. Something felt off about it, like in a si-fi novel or a fantasy book. It didn't feel real. I could just be insane but...

"Hey Midoriya, we got a busy day tomorrow. The boss just sent in eleven new orders we've got to take care of tomorrow so make sure to eat and rest up soon. Don't stay up too late tonight, k?" 

"Yeah sure!" I don't think staying up lates whats going to make me tired, it was the fact that I couldn't get that wolf outta my mind... Maybe I'll bring extra food tomorrow. For what I've seen that wolf just wants to eat everything but me.


A/N: Thank you so much for reading the chapter, hopefully this doesn't feel too much like filler but I kinda wanted to make Broccoli boy seem more interested in going back into the woods...

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