Chapter 3: I Can't Take My Eyes Off From Him And I Wanna Know More About Her

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-Tsubaki Ai's POV-

Saotome Gakuen is an academy for soon to be singers and composers..all the student had only one choice either they want to be a singer or a for me..i got the scholarship from Mr.Shining Saotome a.k.a our principle himself as he wants me to be a singer and a composer...

---During Mr.Hyuga Ryuya's Lesson---

Mr.Hyuga stand infront of the class and give us a briefing about our upcoming exam "There are two courses in this school..first Idol Course and second Composer Course and in these week we will have the first exam where the composer course students have to pair up with the singer course students..your pair might be your classmates or the students from other class and more importantly!..the Idol course student have to work on the lyrics while the composer course students have to work on the music..I have chosen your partner for all of you" He show us the list of our pairs and he continue his speech.."however! there is a special student in our class who took both idol and composer as for you Tsubaki Ai..Mr.Shining Saotome assign you two test..he wants you to form a group with Uragina Amamine and Yata Marimi as an idol and a composer" all the students in my class turn around and look at me like its a shocking news for them as they widened their eyes " hard on it everyone!. Thats all for today,class dismiss". With that our class were dismissed by Mr.Hyuga

-Uragina Amamine's POV-

I look at Ai-chan after Mr.Hyuga told the class about her taking two test..My eyes are wide and i got the feel that we are going to be a bomb in these industry with her in our group..hehe..thank god Mr.Shining Saotome put her in our group...i grab her hand and hugs her "yayyyy!~ we are in the same group~ lets do our best Genius-chan" Marimi instantly snatch her away from me and glare "Spoiled kid" she look at Ai-chan and she gives her a warm and polite smile "please take care of me Ai-chan~ I will do my best on the lyrics" i dont know why but Marimi is mean to me "Ai-chan~ Mari-chan ish being mean to meeee~" Ai-chan laugh awkwardly and pats my back "there...there...Mari-chan, dont be so mean to Mine-chan" Marimi instantly glare at me "thats because she is being a brat" with that..i pout and complain to Ai-chan even more.

-------At The Dormitory-------

We move to our new room as Mr.Shining Saotome arranged a room for the three of us..I guess that because we have a pretty and genius girl with us huh? i bet she is Mr.Shining Saotome's favorite student.Nah~ well she is cute like a little kitten so i guess I dont mind~If Ai-chan is an animal..she must be a cute little species that must be protected since she always in other words..she is a natural airhead haha thinking about it makes me wanna give her a hug right now hehe..Ai-chan is unpacking her things with a great focus on matter how many times i look at her..she is just so funny when she is focusing on every little tiny details to everything she do..ah! she fell like a cartoon character..i let out a soft chuckles and help her to get up "you are so cute and funny let me help u" i take the thick books from her" wow! this is what u always read?'re so nerdy Ai-chan and i suppose thats why are you always in daze " she make a confuse look.." sorry Mine-chan~" she giggles like a kid..sheshhh i dont know what to say on how innocent she is.

-Tsubaki Ai's POV-

---------Two days later----------

I'm done with the music scores..Mine-chan and Mari-chan have been supporting me so i dont wanna be a burden to them because if i dont finish this song,they wont be able to do the lyrics so here i go..we just need to do the lyrics and we are ready for the exam hehehe~ i cant wait to see them..running with the scores in my hand...i bump onto someone"ouch!" all my scores currently on the floor and i look up..its Otoya-san and our faces are so close..I blush instantly but i dunno why i cant take my eyes off from him?

-Otoya Ittoki's POV-

Its Tsubaki Ai...She bumped onto me again, i guess its a fate! Hehe...she look up at me and we blush as our faces are so close and wow...i didnt realize it before.. she have a long eyelashes and a pretty hazel eyes..her lips are in a soft pink color and her hair is's really is long and wavy heart says that i wanna know more about her..I help her to stand up and she bow as she apologies for bumping onto me again..she say that she's in hurry and she give me a lovely smile before leaving me

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