Chapter 4 : New member and Confession

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Me: Gomene everyone for late updating this chapter due to my home tutor classes *narrow eyes* I got alotttt of homework..i guess that's the punishment for lazy people huh? hai haiii~ dont worry~ bakaootoya will realize his feelings for Ai in this chapter~ and a new member will be added Tsubaki Aiko..who is Tsubaki Aiko? why did she hav the same family name as Ai?

Ootoya: What are you talking about Shu-san...and im not a baka!*whines*

Me: *sighs* this is why i call u a baka *slap his head with a magazine*

Ai: S..Shu-chan~ please dont hurt him ><

Me: hehehe~ dont worry~ im just chasing away his stupidity

Ootoya:*pout and sulks in the corner..depressed with a dark aura lurking around him* Shu-san u meanie~

Me: hehehehe*stick my tongue out*

-Tsubaki Ai's POV-

-------After The Examination-------
Our group is 'Hana' and that name was given by Mr.Shining Saotome and he said a new member will be waiting for us in our room..he want us to have her in our group as a congratulation gift because we scored in our examination with a highest for Starish they doesnt take any examination since they hav made their debut..if not..Haruka(their composer) will have the highest mark since she is someone with a pure talent in composing

------At Dormitory------

We enter our room only to find my older sister Tsubaki Aiko "Aiko-nee~" I run to her and hugs her tightly "yo! baka imouto(little sister)" she hugs me back and chuckles "how is my little sister? its been a while~ Mr.Shining Saotome called me and drag me out from the voice acting works..he asked me to join u here as your congratulation gift..and here redhead and soft-looking japanese girl..who are they ai?" I look at her " are going to be a singer and dont call my friends like that~ the brunette one is Amamine-chan and the other one is Marimi-chan and this is my nee-sama" i introduce them to each other and aiko shriek "that old man said im going to be a singer!?! ah! nice to meet u amamine and marimi hmm~ well~ i got to be with my imouto-chan then its fine i guess?"

-Ootoya Ittoki's POV-

I cant shake her off from my head!! Tsubaki Ai.."oi! what are u daydreaming about?" Ren slap my back"ouch! dont be so mean Rennnnn~" i winces " thinking about her?" Ren asked "yeah..we often bump into each other..she is soo pretty and i think i've fall for her" Ren sighs "just meet her and confess already..Saotome wont do anything to u since we actually shouldnt be here anymore because we are idols..we only attend this school because we hav to learn things until we graduate"

-----After few days-----

Ah! she is here and that person next to her look like a boy but why he is wearing a girl uniform...and he really look like Tsubaki Ai but ofcoz Tsubaki Ai is the only one I love..i walks to her "hi tsubaki-chan" the boy look at me " there are two tsubaki here" he hugs my lovely Ai and he is really pissing me off! "o-onee-chan(big sister)~ dont be so clingy~~~" w-wait wait! why did she call him big sister?! I look at Tsubaki Ai and she give an angel smile "this is my older sister Tsubaki Aiko and nee-chan..this is Ootoya Ittoki-san" oh..he is a she and more importantly..she is my beloved Tsubaki Ai's older sister...but certainly now i can give Ai the song i wrote when i think about her

-Tsubaki Aiko's POV-

This Ootoya kid certainly have a crush on my angel Ai and Saotome old man have told me about this Ootoya kid have made a song for Ai..few mins after that Ootoya kid took Ai away from me saying he have something he wanna tell her

-Ootoya Ittoki's POV-

"Tsubaki Ai..i got something important that i wanna tell u...u-um..I...I...l-love You!"

#sorry coz if its boring~ i dont really hav any idea what to do so hehehe i will do my best for making it more interesting for next chapter >~<

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