Chapter 1 - The New Team

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It's been a whole year after the events of Endgame. After Thanos, the blip, everything was finally back to normal. But at a cost.

Tony and Natasha are dead, and all the way back to five years ago, Vision, Loki, and Gamora all died in the hands of Thanos.

But the remaining members of the team are still here. They will take on the legacies of their friends, and fill in the shoes of being the newest Avengers.

Sam Wilson, aka Falcon and the new Captain America, has recruited almost every friend and ally of the Avengers.

There was Bucky Barnes, Wanda Maximoff, Doctor Strange, the kid Peter Parker, Scott Lang and his girlfriend Hope van Dyne, Rhodey aka War Machine, Carol Danvers, even the Guardians of the Galaxy along with Thor, his friend Valkyrie, T'Challa and his sister Shuri, Sharon Carter, and offered to Clint and Bruce that they can help whenever they can.

Let's hear it for the next generation of Earth's Mightiest Heroes.

One afternoon..

Nick Fury and Maria Hill was hosting a meeting for the new members in the new Avengers facility. It was destroyed last year during the battle with Thanos, but with everyone's help, they were able to rebuild it.

"Before I start the meeting.. Where's Barnes?" Fury asked.

"He said he's gonna come in a little late, don't really know for what reason, though." Sam answered.

On cue, the double doors to the meeting room opened, revealing Bucky in a leather jacket and some black gloves. The most distinctive thing about his appearance, though, was his now short hair. (AN; it's his Falcon and Winter Soldier look btw)

"Sorry for being late, the haircut took a while."

"Wow, Bucky, you look good!" Commented Scott.

"Just like your photos from the 40s. With the exception of the facial hair, you look young again." Shuri added.

"Thanks, guys. Decided to let go of the past and forget my darker days, so my long hair has to go. It reminds me too much of the Hydra times. And plus, it was kind of Sam's idea as well."

"Your hair was getting greasy anyways. It doesn't even move in the wind!" Sam scoffed.

"Oh, so I'm the one to blame, then?" Bucky retorted.

"Well, maybe. But, in all seriousness, you look good, man. Really."

"Why, thank you. I'm liking my new hair myself."

"Alright, alright, enough talking, we've got an important topic to discuss. Barnes, take a seat." Bucky sat in between Sam and Sharon.

"Alright, now we all know that the original Avengers are kinda done for. We still have Thor, Banner, and Barton, but it's not like they can help all the time. And Earth still needs its mightiest heroes. So I figured, that after a whole year, we're forming a new Avengers team." Fury said.

"Okay, but, who's going to be the new Avengers then?" Peter asked.

"Well, all of you, of course." Maria answered.

Everyone was shocked. Everyone.

"And also, I have a solution. I know that T'Challa is running a kingdom, Carol has intergalactic missions and has to go to other planets, and Strange is just running his sorcerer jobs, so for them, they can join in, but just part time. So they can join us whenever they can. As for the rest of you, I know you don't have too much on your hands, so feel free to join. What do you think? Do you accept?" Fury offered.

Everyone looked at each other, and contemplated. After 5 minutes, decisions were made.

"I accept." Sam said.

"I will join!" Peter yelled.

"Me too." Hope added.

"Me three!" Scott exclaimed.

"Me four." Bucky said with a smile.

"Me five!!" Shuri yelled excitedly.

"If Shuri is joining, then so am I." T'Challa said.

"I'll join too." Pepper said.

"I'll join." Carol said.

"I'm with her." Wanda smiled.

"I'll help however I can." Strange said.

"I don't see why not. I'll join." Valkyrie said.

"I'll join. Gotta keep an eye on these two anyways." Sharon said, gesturing to Sam and Bucky. They rolled their eyes.

"Hell yeah, man. Of course I'm joining." Rhodey said, grinning.

"Well then, it's official. Right here and right now, you are all the newest Avengers. Congratulations." Fury smiled a little.

Everyone smiled at each other.

That night, they all sat down at the roof of the facility, stargazing.

"I still can't believe we're officially Avengers now. This is literally like a dream come true!" Scott grinned.

"Well, after everything, you could say that this is our time." Hope said.

"But it'd be boring if all we're facing are always aliens. It's always aliens. Why not demons or zombie unicorns?" Peter asked.

Everyone laughed.

"Zombie unicorns?" Bucky laughed.

"I don't know, just, not aliens all the time. It's boring." Peter said again.

"Well, whatever it is we're facing, let's promise we'll face it all together." Sam said. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"We'll also take care of each other and protect each other. Cause that's what a team does." Sharon said.

Everyone looked up to the starlit sky.

"This is what they would have wanted." Rhodey said.

"Yeah, definitely what they would have wanted." Pepper agreed.

"Then let's make them all proud." Peter said.

"I agree with you, kid. I agree." Sam smiled a little at him.

In the sky, five stars shined brighter than the others.


So there it is, the first chapter. I know it kinda sucks, so don't hate. I'm still new to writing these types of things.

If you understand what the last sentence was supposed to symbolize, you're awesome.

So yeah, see you in the next part


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