The "perfect" character

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Everyone has flaws, some writers like to make characters with none at all to distract themselves from their flaws. In a book currently reading, the main character said one of her flaws was she was Flat chested (not saying if you consider yourself flat that it's technically a flaw it is whatever you make of it if you like being flat you do you but if your like me and think being flat is a burden then you can count it as a flaw) which makes it realistic cause let's be honest not every girl has what's considered the "perfect body"  I'm not saying that all your characters have to be flat but come on give you character a least 1 flaw. They (the flaws) don't have to be with their body's but personality wise they can be mean or spoiled or have some other negative value. It just makes the person more believable, even if that person is a made up character or a fantasy speacies

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