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Details it helps the reader understand what is going on so it's best to have an appropriate amount depending on the actions of the character(s) some people have no enough detail do it's confusing on what's going on An example is "I walked to the nearest shop and got items and left" theres lots of questions! What shop was it?, What did you buy and why? But being over-detailed can also be bad "I walked towards my pink closet filled with my clothes and shoes plus a art piece my sister drew me when she was in the third grade and I was in 6th it was of......" Yeah I don't think the reader cares what color your closet is or what random items you have in it. All they really need to know is why your getting from it and why your getting it. Also another big thing is when describing a person with Adjectives (pretty, ugly, weird etc) Like pretty for example then let the reader create the image of what they think pretty is especially is its in the readers point of view. What might be pretty to you may be ugly to the reader for example pretend you like long hair on guys some people might not like that on a guy (not that it matters to the guy) so give some details but let you reader do the imaging that's the fun thing about reading!

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