Chapter 10 - Revelation

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I stormed out of the library, shocked about what I witnessed. I don't know how but I ended up in the courtyard. People were chatting away but the sounds muffled to me. Last year was when Hanna and Remmington first said they wanted to date. But a week later, Remmington said she was too immature and he liked being single. Hanna came yelling at me saying that it was all my fault, that I was dumbing him down, keeping him away from his potential. I didn't care much of it, she was just upset that she got dumped. I hated the idea of them together, even expressed it every day to Remmy because she was my enemy and he was my best friend. 

I stopped walking and just replayed the moment in my head. Did they fake the breakup? Did they get back together? How could he keep this from me when I tell him everything. When it was just going to be us together at this confusing, big, overwhelming school. I heard a familiar voice but I just stood, staring at who knows what. Then I heard Remmy's voice. His voice was not the voice I heard before. I blinked back to look at my surroundings then turned to look at him. He looked out of breath probably from following me from the library. 

"Greta, I can explain," He panted. I glared at him and he tried to read my look. He's never hurt me before so how could he recognize it. 

"Explain?" I asked. "Explain what? I think I understand exactly what I saw." I looked away from him and noticed Austin and Hanna come into the courtyard so I turned to face another direction. "You have been lying to me, Remmington." I never called him by his full name. 

"I know, but it hasn't been that long since Hanna and I..." he tried to explain but I interrupted him. Probably something I shouldn't do, I should just listen.

"Hanna and you. That was something I never wanted to see or even hear come from your mouth. We are best friends and I tell you everything. You told me the night before we came here that it was just going to be you and me." I turned around again to look at him. This time I noticed that Apple Thief was slowly walking towards us. Crap, he can't see me in this mess. Why does it matter, Greta? Maybe his voice was the one that was talking to me before Remmy showed up. 

"Hey goodness convert, you okay?" he asked when he got closer to us. Remmington looked at him confused and defensive. He doesn't realize that he is the Apple Thief. "I saw you storm out here so I thought hey might as well what's up. Maybe have a little fun." He chuckled trying to lighten the mood. 

"Who are you?" Remmington asked. Hanna and Austin finally caught up. "It's none of your business what's going on, okay?" 

"Nothing is going on. Just a little friendly argument that's all," I said to him and folding my arms. Oh, how I want to be somewhere else right now. "I was just going to leave."

"No, you can't leave. I need to explain to you," Remmington ignored Apple Thief getting closer to us and grabbed my arm. I quickly yanked it off me. 

"Hey, dude looks like she is not in the mood to talk to you," Apple Thief said. Why is he getting involved with this? He stepped closer to me. "I bet I can take this lady somewhere to cheer her up." He put his hand on my shoulder and suddenly warmth flushed through me and a gold light surround us. Next thing I know I'm seeing a gold flower blooming right in front of me and I fell to the ground. 

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