Chapter 16- The Village

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The past few weeks were rarely eventful. I went to class, had lunch with Mason, Wren and the Islanders. There were some nights I would go watch the sunset with Wren. Ever since the first day of school, we had a connection. I feel happier around him or just complete. I never really understood the feeling. Nights, where he didn't come to see the sunset or I was busy, I couldn't go, were the longest nights. All I could think about was him, but I tried to forget about it. I just did research on Rapunzel. Nothing about a child yet. Just pictures from her past. Even though Wren said she was barren, I just didn't believe it. He and Mason seemed weird when I asked them. So Today, I went to the library to read more.

I found old newspapers or watched some news reports. Today I found a book she wrote and I grabbed it, found a spot to sit and started to read it. A few pages in I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Wren smiling at me. I looked at his hand and saw he covered it with makeup. I've noticed it a few times before as well. I was hoping we'd both have the same tattoo, going along with a theory of my dream. I covered mine with a leather bike glove. Telling people it was a fashion trend.

"What are you reading?" he asked me in a whisper. I closed the book and shoved it into my backpack quickly so he couldn't read it.

"Oh, nothing. A book on magical creatures," I laughed awkwardly. He chuckled a bit then held his hand out. I looked at it confused. He motioned it for me to take it. I blushed, hoping he didn't notice, then took his hand. I stood up and he walked us out of the library. "Where are we going?" I asked him. 

"Out and about," he said vaguely. I scrunched my eyebrows but trusted him. We got to a parking lot. This town is so modern yet traditional. He took me to a motorcycle. I have always wanted to ride one of these. My eyes widened when we got close to it. "This is my ride, max." he smiled. Max? That's a random name for a motorcycle. It sounds like a name for a dog or a horse. 

"It is handsome," I said in awe. "I've always wanted to ride a bike. The only means of transportation on the island are feet or regular bicycle." I walked around the bike to check it out. He watched me closely. "Well are we just here to look at it or what?" He took a deep breath back into reality and hopped onto the bike. He tapped the seat behind me to get on. I smiled and climbed on behind him. He took his helmet and put it on me. "Hold on tight," he said and started the bike. It sounded exactly like how I imagined and within seconds the school was getting smaller and smaller behind us. 

After about half an hour's ride, we stopped at the main street of the village. I got off the bike then handed him the helmet. He put the bike's stand down and fixed his satchel. Today he was looking so fine in his flowy white long sleeve shirt, jean vest and black jeans. He always was stylish for someone from Grimmland. I liked the style that the islanders had, but his soft yet edgy look was something new to me. Plus his perfect hair. He held out his hand again. Before I took it, I smiled. "Nice purse," I laughed then grabbed his hands. 

"It's not a purse, it's a satchel," he grumped. This wasn't the first time I called his satchel a purse. I just thought it was funny to see him get grumpy about it. "It's manly. I am telling the honest truth when I tell you that no other man in all the lands of Auradon can look this good with a satchel as I do." He smirked walking proudly. 

"Ah, is that something to brag about?" I asked. He stopped and let go of my hand, heading back to the motorcycle. He was playing along, but his little temper was cute. I run behind him and jumped onto his back. "Where are you going, handsome?" I whispered in his ear. Hoping the handsome would tug his heartstrings a bit. I blushed when I actually realized what I did. He held on to my legs tightly and turned back around to the village. 

I got down when we got to the main street with all the shops, cafes, and bakeries. There were a lot of decorations up that I didn't notice the first time I came to the village. Purple and gold decorations. I looked around at all of them. 

"Tomorrow is Rapunzel's birthday," Wren said. I looked at him only to notice he was watching me the whole time. He looked a bit serious this time. "There has been a big celebration on her birthday since the day she was born." 

"Yeah, I heard," I said. In our history class, they mentioned it and that it was what made her want to leave the castle. Seeing lights floating in the sky. My mother wasn't very smart and came up with dumb excuses like that they were stars so Rapunzel would stop worrying about it. "Are they going to have floating lanterns?" I asked. I, like Rapunzel, am curious as to what they look like up close. 

"You haven't seen them from the island?" he asked me. I don't recall ever seeing them. But the more I thought about it, the more I thought about once a year my mother would shut all the windows, blinds and doors and we would stay in. She would just sit in her chair by our fireplace. Sometimes I would sit next to her, sitting in silence. I never understood why she seemed so closed off that day. So I told Wren about it. It's like I don't have a filter around him. I am myself. I haven't even told Remmy about that day. If he asked, I would say my mother and I would be making dinner for ourselves. "She must have been thinking about Rapunzel," Wren said after I explained to him. 

"I don't think she ever thought of her in a caring way," I said. "Let's just say if her name was brought up. Or even Flynn Rider's name--"

"Eugene," Wren interrupted me. 

"What?" I've never heard that name before. 

"His real name is Eugene," he said. He looked away from me now. We slowly walked down the street. People started playing music while the decorations were being set up. People were passing out purple flowers. "Anyways," he continued. I didn't get to finish what I was saying but maybe it was awkward to talk about a villain. "These flowers are left in the town square with a note that you can tag on it, writing something to my--Rapunzel." 

When we got close to someone handing out flowers, they looked happy to see Wren. "Sir Wren," she exclaimed. Sir? "It's so great to see you. Are you ready for tomorrow?" She handed him a purple flower. 

"Yes, of course, it will be another magical night," he said smiling with her. She giggled, I felt in some type of flirty way. I didn't like the way she interacted with him. But I'm just a friend who am I to feel jealous. She looked over at me to hand me a rose. 

"Here's a flower," she smiled. I took the flower from her. "I've never met you before I bet. What's your name?" She was overly friendly. Besides she might have heard of me, what would she do if I said my name? I thought for second and then thought it doesn't matter if she has an opinion on me or not. 

"I'm Greta," I said holding my hand out for a handshake. Her smile slowly vanished and she looked over at Wren. Was she worried about something? I put my hand down. The tension was awkward. I looked over at Wren who was giving the woman some type of nod. Without saying anything, the woman walked to the other side of the street. I watched her walk and scoffed. 

"Sorry," Wren said softly. 

"Sorry about what? I'm not surprised at all. I'm down to continue walking around or you can save yourself from embarrassment from being here with me and we can go back," I said, pretty much regretting it. I looked at the purple flower in my hand. What am I going to do with this? At that moment two children were walking by and I held out the flower. "Here kid, take this," I said. They stopped in their tracks looking at me scared. One girl grabbed the flower and they quickly walked away. 

"Why would I be embarrassed. I just don't want people to judge you or run away from you," He took my hand trying to make this better. 

"People do that on the island anyway," I said. I turned to walk back to the motorcycle when his grip tightened around his hand. Pulling me closer to him I spun around to face him. Is there someone playing the drums right next to us or is my heart beating that loud? He walked us over to the square where folk music was playing and we started dancing. I've never danced like this before. Held his hands as we moved together. People cheering and joining in. We spun around, he lifted me up and put me back down. We laughed with cheerfulness as we enjoyed having fun together. When the music ended it was just us. Our foreheads touched as we stared into each other eyes.  

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