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Emil's POV

The clock read 8:00pm

I breathed deeply, the crisp air shaking my body as I exhaled. Looking at Mr. Puffin sleeping on his pillow, I remember to stay quiet as to not wake him. I sat on my bed and put my head in my hands.

"I'm really doing this." I whispered to myself. I looked next to me where my backpack was sitting, grabbing it I stood up. I made my way to my bathroom, which was thankfully connected to my room, and grabbed my toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, and some other essential and stuffed them into the front pouch of my backpack.

I had a couple of snacks and three waters in the main pocket along with my phone, phone charger, headphones, and beanie.

I have to, if I don't then they'll make a big fuss over it and only make it worse. I just need a bit of time to myself, and then I'll come back. But.. If I come back then they're gonna make a big fuss out of it anyways.

After making sure I have everything, I sighed, turning around towards my door and putting on my backpack, I walked to wards the door. I reached my hand out, the cold metal of the doorknob touching the tips of my fingers, sending a chill up my arm and through my body.

I'm actually doing this. For real.

My mind raced, the worst scenarios finding their way into my thoughts. Shaking my head of those thoughts, I turned the doorknob, a faint click signaling that I could pull the door open, which I did. I walked out of my room, making sure to quietly close the door behind me. My body went numb, a cold chill taking over, I wasn't aware of my own actions. I started down the hall and towards the stairs, having to nudge one of Peter's toys to the side. I reached the top of the stairs, stepping down carefully I made it to the bottom.

Seeing Lukas looking at me with a raised brow, probably wondering why I came down here, I struggled to find something to say. "Uh, I'm just gonna go for a walk. That ok?" I cursed at myself in my mind for allowing my voice to shake a bit, but thankfully Lukas didn't notice. No one else was paying attention to us, so that calmed me a bit.

I walked over to the door, grabbing my boots which were sitting next to everyone else's. "Yeah sure, just make sure to be back by nine thirty. "

The clock read 8:07pm

I exhaled in relief. "Alright. Bye then. " I said after putting my boots on. I walked out the door, closing it behind me. I took a deep breath, breathing in the cold, late autumn air, it was nice, almost calming.

I took a step, the untouched snow making a satisfying crunching sound under my foot.
I took another step, and another, and started walking in a slow pace towards a path in the forest to the side of our house. Looking around at the surrounding forest I was in, the snow managed to get past the tall trees and fell onto the ground.

I walked for about thirty minutes, making it to a bridge. I walked half way across it and made my way to the edge, I looked down at the rushing water under me. The sound was calming, mixed with the sound of crickets chirping and the wind moving the trees. I felt free, it was nice.

I sat on the edge on the bridge, dangling my feet over the edge. I took my backpack off and set it beside me, opening the main pocket, I got out my phone. Pressing the power button, I looked at the time.

The phone read 8:53pm

I noticed I had a notification, 'hmm, I don't remember hearing my phone go off. ' I thought. I brushed it off and tapped on the notification. It was a message from Leon.

Leon: Yo, you awake?

Emil: No, can't sleep. Why you awake?

Leon: Same as you.

Emil: Ok then.

Leon: So what're you doing?

I thought for a second about what to say

Emil: Just watching Netflix, what about you?

Leon: Lol same.

Emil: Nice.

Leon: Yeah.

We then had a conversation about what shows we liked best on Netflix and how horrible some of the people's acting was in some of the movies until Leon told me Mei was yelling at him to go to sleep already and we said goodnight to each other.

The phone read 9:48pm

I put my phone back in my backpack and put it back on. Climbing off the edge of the bridge I start walking again. I walked until I reached a cabin. It was a small cabin, it was in good shape though, thanks to me. I found it about six months ago while exploring and I decided to clean it up. II got some firewood and threw it into the fireplace. Setting my bag down, I got out a lighter, lit a piece of tissue on fire and set it under the wood. After getting the fire started I got out a sleeping bag I had in the cabinet and got into it.

My eyes shut, and sleep took over.

The phone read 10:23pm

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