Fancy dinner pt 1

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(I just wanted to say that I'm changing Alastor's speech, as it's a bit hard to read)

It's been a few days since Alastor went back home with the creation, and it's just been boring without him.

(Y/N): "*sigh, I kinda miss Alastor already, and it hasn't even been a week"

You rolled onto your side on your bed, with many thoughts going through your brain, 'will I see him again', 'will he keep his promise?', 'what did he mean he also has dreams about me?!'.
There was just so much going through your head at one time.

(Y/N): "ughhhhhhh"

You get off of your bed, and put some music on.

|1 hour later|

(Dad): "Y/N! She's here!"


(Y/N): "CRAP! I forgot about dads girlfriend coming over today!"

Your dads girlfriend was coming over to meet you tonight, so you wanted to look at least a bit presentable.

You rushed down the stairs, and awaiting down there was a beautiful woman with long, brown hair, a LOT of makeup on her face, and some normal clothes.

(Woman): "ah! You must be his daughter! You're beautiful my dear!"

That reminded you of Alastor...

(Y/N): "Al... huh? Oh, oh! Sorry, thank you, you're very beautiful too! My dads lucky he found you!"

(Woman): "oh, stop it! He's lucky to have you as a daughter!"


Now it was silence. Until...


You both turned to the door.

(Y/N): "I'll get it!"

|who was at the door?|

You could hear a familiar voice humming a familiar song...


You swung open the door, revealing exactly who you thought it was, Alastor.

(Y/N): "hello Alastor!"

(Alastor): "hello there Y/N! Is your father home? I would like to ask him a question"

(Y/N): "oh! Of course! Follow me"

You realised that your dads girlfriend was just stood there confused.

(Y/N): "oh, umm, can you just give me a sec? I promise I'll be right back"

(Woman): "don't worry, it's fine, by the way, my names Elizabeth"

(Y/N): "ok Elizabeth, I'll be right back"

You and Alastor make your way to the kitchen,  where you could hear pots and pans.

(Y/N): "u-um, dad?"

He jumped a little, definitely not thinking you were gonna be right behind him.

(Dad): "oh! You scared me Y/N, what's the ma-"

He then saw Alastor.

(Dad): "h-hello Alastor... what brings you here today?"

(Alastor): "id like to have a little chat with you sir! If that's fine with you"

He said with a big smile on his face.

(Dad): "sure! What's the problem? Is there something wrong with the-"

(Alastor): "it's not about that"

(Dad): "oh, ok then, what is it then?"

That's the last thing you heard your dad say before you continued on towards Elizabeth.

(Y/N): "sorry about that"

(Elizabeth): "its fine, may I ask... who was that handsome man?"


(Elizabeth): "sorry! I meant- I- um. *sigh* oops?"


(Elizabeth): "well who is he anyway?"

(Y/N): "um, he was one of my Dad's customers, god knows why he's came back though"

(Elizabeth): "I see.... well I-"

(Alastor): "Y/N! My dear, you're coming to my house for dinner tonight!"

..... w-what?

541 words

I finally found you (Alastor x reader) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora