Chapter 1: intro

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You show up at this strange school(?) and you see a group of people standing around, and you decide to introduce yourself.

"Hello! I am [first name] [last name], the Ultimate [talent]!"

You talk to the people and one says "Everybody around here calls me J.T and that one over there is J.B nobody knows our real names. We don't have much talent"

One guy tells you his name is Kokichi Ouma, he's the Ultimate Liar- I mean Ultimate Supreme Leader.

Another person says he is Byakuya Togami, the Ultimate Bi-...llionare-

You see a very hot man, his name is Nagito Komaeda the Ultimate Husbando, but unfortunately he is already married to a chubby skeleton.

You see a dude with super threatening teeth, He tells you he is Kazuichi Souda, you ask what kind of soda, he says "Kazuichi", You then learn he is the Ultimate Shark.

You see an edgy man, so you decide to talk to him, knowing that talking to edgy people results in a high risk of death. You learn his name is Gundham Tanaka, he is the Ultimate Furry UWU. He has the most totally threatening weapons in the world, they are tiny little chubby hamsters, he says they are the "Dark Devas of Destruction" but in reality the only thing they can destroy is your heart.

You see an ugly teddybear, you told him that you find him incredibly unattractive, he says his name is Monokuma, but like who cares? He's just some fat old bear controlled by some mean lady. So Monokuma is like 100% the Mean lady's fursona.

You see a blonde guy, he tells you that everyone calls him "Babe" but you highly doubt that due to his appearance. Although, his voice is quite charming.

After all the introductions, you go to investigate the place.

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