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Day 1: Mantle

a/n: I know it's late but I've been working on this for months already (somehwere around 2019) and it so happens that so many things have happened this past months. 😭I do hope you enjoy this even though it is so late...

Anyways, day 1 of Suzalulu week is more of like a post-R2 arc where LOTR never happened.

Suzaku (who is now Zero) finally got the chance to visit his beloved's tomb where they kept and preserves his body. Nunnally decided to place the tomb near the newly rebuilt palace in Pendragon so no one can sabotage her dear brother's tomb knowing that the whole world loathe the Demon Emperor.

Plus, Nunnally wanted to see her brother's smile because it always cope her whenever she feel sad or whenever she have problems with her duties as empress. There are times whenever she feels down because she is still having a hard time to adjust to her new life. A life without her beloved brother by her side...

Her brother's smile gives her courage to face the world.
Suzaku knelt beside the transparent casket as he laid the flowers right beside him. He took off his mask as he pushed a button to open the casket. This mask was the very mask he hated... the mantle of Zero.

"It's been a year hasn't it, Lelouch?

When no one is watching (since the guards were outside to give Zero his moment as for Nunnally's orders), he cradled the raven to his arms and caressed his now cold cheek.


"You called, your Majesty?" Lelouch faced him that night, wearing nothing but black clothing as if he was mourning or grieving. Suzaku noticed the sadness in Lelouch's eyes despite having his contact lenses on to keep his cursed power in bay. Lelouch shrugged and turned his head to face the window, "just making sure you're not backing out from this..." he said blankly.

Suzaku scoffed.  "Why would I? I will finally avenge Euphy and the others― "

"...you're right about that, my knight," Lelouch cut him. "Glad you remembered..." Lelouch turned with a grin. Suzaku gritted his teeth; his bangs shadowed his eyes as he bowed his head a little. "That's right... you're nothing but a cold blooded murder. A mistake to this world! I hate you!" he spat as Lelouch just stared at him. Never changing his expression like when they were still kids at the Kururugi Shrine when Suzaku was about to hit him as he raised his fist. "But I forgive you!" he cried. " I could never― I― " Suzaku, who's always more faster than Lelouch, grabbed the young emperor's collar and kissed him.

Lelouch's eyes widened and, with little strength he had, pushed the brunette away. "Why would you― " he hissed and pushed Suzaku aways as the brunette tried to embrace the poor emperor who was shocked at his knight's actions. "You can't ― not now―not when I have everything according to plan!" he exclaimed as he back away from Suzaku's touch. "Why do you always ruin everything?!"

Why is it had to be you who would cause me pain?

"Lelouch―I know I hated you for killing Euphy but, I can't―I just can't!" Suzaku cried as he continue to try and embrace his best friend. The one he hurt because of his stubbornness. "The fact that― it is because I love you―" Once he said those three little words, Suzaku felt the stinging sensation on his cheek. Lelouch slapped him.

The next morning, Suzaku came to Lelouch's chambers. "I apologize for what happened that night, your Majesty." Lelouch stood up from his bed and faced Suzaku. Suzaku noticed that Lelouch looked tired even though he just woke up. "You're going to kill me, Suzaku―and that's final." He said as he stopped at his tracks, in front of the door. "You'll avenge Euphemia and everyone whose lives were taken. Kill me as if I was never your friend nor your lover." And with that Lelouch dismissed Suzaku.

Unknown to him, Suzaku leaned on the door and heard him cry, "I love you too!"


'Despite that, even if you were to wear the Mantle of Zero nor any mantle you created, you wanted to live like everyone else, didn't you, Lelouch?' Suzaku smiled sadly. Suzaku hated the mantle of Zero with every fiber but, he can never hate Lelouch. He loved him! How he wished they could've come up with a better plan. How he wished he could've joined him sooner to avoid this! He should've seen through his façade...

Suzaku let the tears he was fighting to come out to fall down as he cradled Lelouch's body close to him, wishing that he shouldn't have dawn the mantle of Zero and how he hated this persona that destroys them all but, also created a better future to everyone. Yes, through this mantle Lelouch created, it created a better world but, why does it have to cost a life that's so dear to him? A person who deserved happiness like everyone else?

Suzaku set the body back and before he left the tomb, Suzaku planted a kiss on Lelouch's forehead. He puts on the mask, the very symbol that caused a lot of heartache to Suzaku, and took one last glance over the casket as he walked towards the world his beloved had created.

Suzalulu Week 2019Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz