(18) "Eva Diana Cresent."

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Soon came the day that my daughter was supposed to enter the world. We waited, but there was no sign that she was coming today.

Later in the night I woke up with a pain in my stomach.

"Ugh. Ugh." I tap Emmets arm. "Emmet, wake up."

"Ugh." He sighs.

"The baby's coming!" I fight a contraction.


"Ugh! The baby-ugh-coming." I say.

Emmet comes over to my side of the bed and helps me up.


"You okay?" He asks.

"I'm freaking perfect right now. Ugh! The contractions! Ugh! There speeding up!"

Emmet helps me downstairs and out of the castle and down to a flat spot in the grass.

10 minutes later.

"I can see the head. Push!"

5 agonizing and hurtful minutes later I heard a little cry.

"Is she okay?" I ask.

The giant full moon healed us and then disappeared.

"She's perfect. Here's your mommy." Emmet gently place her in my arms.

"Hey, there little one." I stare into her little big blue eyes.

"So I'm guessing this is her moon Stone." Emmet holds up her moon Stone necklace.


I stare at her for a little longer before we decide to go back inside. I put her moon Stone in my closet as Emmet puts her in a diaper and onesie. We get back in bed with our daughter.

The following morning I was holding her while Emmet got some sleep.

The door opened and Sierra walked in. I put a finger in front of my mouth motioning for her to be quiet.

"You had the baby? When?"

"Last night." I whisper. Emmet starts to stir. Natalie comes in the room.

"Hey Elena. I had a feeling you would of had the baby by today." Natalie says.

Emmet woke up.

"Aunt Natalie, what's going on?"

"So does she have a name yet?" Sierra asks.

"Yes, she does. Aunt Natalie, Sierra meet princess Eva Diana Cresent." Emmet introduces.

"Eva, like your mother?" Sierra asks.

"Like both of our mothers." Emmet inturtwines our fingers.

You know how my mother died. But you don't know how Emmet mother died. Emmets mother Eva died not long after she gave birth to him. So we decided to give our daughter our mothers name as a tribute to them. Eva Diana Cresent.

"So why didn't you guys go to the hospital or wake us up?" Natalie questions.

"Well, we wanted a home birth and it was late and we didn't want to wake you." Emmet says.

"Well, you need to have her checked out." Natalie says.

"I know. I was just about to call the pediatrician." Emmet says.

"Great. I'll see you down at breakfast." Sierra and Nataile leave just as little Eva starts to fuss. Emmet takes her in his arms.

"It's okay princess it's just a check up nothing to worry about."

We get dressed for the day then go down stairs for breakfast.

During breakfast Emmet made a call to the pediatrician and she arrived 10 minutes later.

She did a thorough check up and then gave us all clear.

The rest of the day went by with me an Emmet trying to figure out how to be parents. Natalie and Sierra helped us out, but still at the end of the day we were wiped.

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