(27) "There is no such thing as werewolves."

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I woke up in a very dark place laying on what felt like a bed. The very loud buzzing sound started again.

I covered my ears.

"MAKE IT STOP!" I yelled.

The room started shaking and I heard things move around. My body felt like it was constantly moving in reality I was staying still.

"Ahhhhh!" I screamed.

I couldn't control it. It wouldn't stop not even when I got under the covers.

Eventaully I ran to the door and some how the door blew open by itself.

Tears were streaming down my face when I saw a girl that look exactly like me and a man.

I run the other way screaming completely terrified of them. The floor and walls shaked loudly beneath me.

I hit the wall when I ran into a dead end. I was sobbing.

Suddenly all the noise stopped as I heard light footsteps behind me. Well except for the buzzing sound whatever that was.

"Elena, it's okay. You can turn around. I'm not gonna hurt you." My voice says except it wasn't mine. It was my twins voice.

I don't know how but I felt calm somehow.

I felt like I could trust her.

I slowly turn around to face her.

"How did you do that?" I ask.

"I will tell you everything Tommorow, but it's late. We should get back to bed. I'll stay with you tonight if you want." She offers.

"Are you my sister?" I ask.

"I will tell you everything Tommorow. Okay?" She asks.

When we got back to my room the man was gone but the room was still a complete mess.

"How did I do this?"

"I will tell you tomorrow. Here." She hands me an ipod hooked up to some ear plugs.

"What's this?"

"It's an ipod full of jazz music. You use it to block out the buzz." She says.

"Thanks." I take the ipod and hit play. It plays a nice slow beat of jazz music.

We get in the bed and fall asleep.

The next morning the room was filled with sunlight.

My twin was nowhere to be seen. But then she was. She walked through the door carrying a blueberry smoothie.

"Good morning. I made you a blueberry smoothie."

"Thanks." I take it from her.

She takes me to the library and shows me to a table.

"Today I'm going to tell you all about our family." She picks up the book that was on the table. "This will explain it all."

"Moon Wolves." The tittle read. The cover had 2 black wolves on it. It was night. Stars were shinning and the full moon was shinning over the wolves. Their was a house in the back ground. I look at the author and was shocked at what I found. "By: Elena Cresent. I wrote this?"

"You did."

"So I'm a writer?" I ask.

"No. You only wrote this book so that future generations would know the truth." She says.

"I don't understand." I say, confused.

"Read it and you'll understand."

I open the book.

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