Chapter 1:

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As my kidnapper leaves my room I lay on the floor for about 10 minutes but then I hear a sound of someone getting slammed against my door I jump back and hear a man scream I pain I get closer to my door and see a shadow at my door I look at the chains on my wrist and think about the man and start crying quietly so I wouldn't get my kidnappers attention I then cry myself to sleep

Colbys POV:

As the strange man walks away and leaves me infront of a door I look around and see everything is medal and nobody can escape I was hoping sam or jake would notice I'm missing but probably not because I 3rd wheel all the time so I meant nothing to them I hear my kidnapper leave out the front door thingy and try to move but cant "Why the hell can I not move!' I shouted but nobody awnsered so I just sat there thinking of what I could do in the time I have before I die and I'm not a baddie like I seem to be I'm a huge softie... as it's been what feels like hours I start to sing my favorite song called: You found me by the FRAY "Where were you? When everything falling hard on my days where spent by telephone all I needed was was a call it never came the corner of first is start" I stop fir a second to catch my breath then I hear someone else "Lost and insure you found me lying on the floor surrounded why'd you have to wait where were you? Just a little late you found me' her voice stops and I can hear her getting closer to the door with the chains I look under the door and see chains in her wrists and ankles "Are you ok?" I ask kinda worried "y-Yeah' she says kinda not wanting to awnser "How long have you been here?' I ask in confusion "4 or 3 years' my jaw drops and I think back to when I saw a missing girl poster in my god shes Y/N the girl who's been missing for 4 years "Hey can you open the door?' I hear her reach for the door and turn the handle

HAHAHA TBC sorry I came up with this and its sooooo good sooo like hahahhaha idk I'm so dumb🙅🏻‍♀️ WELP NEXT CHAPTER

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